Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Arcane Reviews: Steins;Gate: Fuka Ryouiki no Déjà Vu

Hello ladies, peoples, and animals it is I, the Arcane Reviewer! Here to bring you a new anime review. Looks we're aren't quite done with Steins;Gate just yet huh? That's right ladies, peoples, and animals Steins;Gate falls under the small category of anime that have actually gotten a movie sequel. Not a lot of anime can say that they have this with the only ones that come to mind is Anohana, Evangelion, and Madoka Magica. Yeah that's a pretty small list. Now before I start the review I'm gonna have to set up how this review will be a little different. Now since this is a movie I will review in the same style that I reviewed the other anime movies during Movie Month. Except I will include Nitpicks here seeing as how this is a continuation of the show as appose to a one-shot movie. So without further or due I give you my review for the follow up to 2011's smash hit, Steins;Gate: Fuka Ryouiki no Déjà Vu. Does it do the show any justice? Well let's find out shall we?

So the set up of this film is pretty interesting. The film takes one year after the events of the show and just about everything is fine. No one has to worry about SERN or a time machine or anything. Everyone is safe and at peace, that is until Okabe starts seeing things. He starts to see images and events that took place in all of the other world lines he was in during the events of the show. So much so that it does start to effect him in a way no one could have predicted, he is slowly disappointing from existence. Que the Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya jokes here. Not only that but due to his disappearance all of his friends have now just suddenly forgotten about him, all except one, Kuirsu Makise. Being the only one who can remember him, Kurisu takes it apon her self to try and get Okabe back into existence. Now I really like this set up because it's kind of the same story that was in the anime but instead of Okabe going through hell to safe someone he loves it the opposite person, Kurisu. The movie is very much Kurisu's movie as she is the one we focus on the most. While Okabe and the others do make appearances they are not as showcased nearly as much as Kurisu is. Simply put she is the star of this movie which isn't a bad thing. The story is set up rather nicely and it did move at a very smooth pace. It took it's time to really get you invested into Kurisu's mindset and let see just exactly what she's going through mentally. The movie is very much a character study of Kurisu with the over arcing Okabe disappearance plot line left floating around in the background, but is none the less very important to the character heavy plot line of Kurisu. This is a very interesting way to follow up on the events in the anime seeing as how Okabe was very much the main focus of the show and Kurisu being a very important side character. But it's switched up to Kurisu being the main focu of the story and Okabe just being a very important side character. It's an interesting way to go but I thought it was done very well.

Holy crap was the music heavy here. Now I said in my review for the show that the music wasn't used a lot but when it was it was really damn good. The music was used to set the mood in any given scene perfectly. But in the movie it's a little bit different. While the movie does the same thing, in which it uses it's music at certain times in the movie, but I'll be damned if they didn't step it up a notch. The music is just so damn dramatic and sometimes heart breaking to listen to. It has a very melancholic theme going on which goes hand-in-hand with most of the very heavy and dramatic scenes. Not only does this give the scenes more of an impact but it also just makes the scenes feel that more important due to the gravity set around the scene thanks to the music. The tracks here were used greatly and the tracks themselves can be both saddening and sometimes in a little bit scary. Long story short the music was awesome,

Now this is gonna be a little weird to talk about because like I said early the movie really just focuses on one person, Kurisu. All the other side characters do have screen time and play a part in the film but the parts and screen time are both small. Okabe does have the most screen time out of all the side characters and does play a very large part of the film but's mainly do the fact that the film is set up around his disappearance. Plus he is in fact absent through most of the film. The movie is squarely about Kurisu as a character as well as her relationship with Okabe. Does this mean that the film weak? Actually not at all. The film's strongest attribute is the Kurisu and all of the development she has over the course of the movie. She is fleshed out even more then she was in the show and that's mainly because the film is more focused around her as apposed to a whole cast. The film does an amazing job at making you feel every emotion and every misfortune that she faces during the course of the film. Also the relationship between Kurisu and Okabe is further developed in this film and in all honesty it's pretty freaking great. You get why Kurisu is going through so much hell in the movie from the interactions that she has with Okabe earlier in the movie. They do legitimately feel like a couple that don't really know where they stand at in the beginning the movie but when Okabe finally disappears they share the most tender and loving moment that I have ever seen in an anime. It may not be the best moment but I'll be damn if it wasn't among the best. The movie is really dependent on whether or not you enjoyed the relationship between Kurisu and Okabe, if you did then this movie is just for you. If you didn't then I think you I thin might want to look elsewhere.

Voice Acting:
Now this is gonna be pretty damn short. Mainly due to the fact that this movie is all in Japanese and shock of all shocks I can't speak Japanese. So I'll just comment on how good I thought the acting was just from the emotion I could grasp that was being put into the movie. The voice acting for the most part seemed very good. All of the voice actors did a very good job with what they were given, like I said the movie wasn't centered around the whole cast. But in saying that I will say that one person did stand out and you all know who it is. Asami Imai, the voice of Kurisu Makise. This lady was fucking amazing! She did a fantastic job conveying all of the emotions that her character was going through to the point where I was almost physically able to feel her pain, that's how good she was and I can't even understand what the hell she's saying! She was just fantastic. I also give credit to Mamoru Miyano who was the voice of Okabe. He did a good job at portraying a very tired and beat down Okabe but the real star of the show was Asami and she just killed it.

Now while I have been praising the show I have to be honest there is something that does bother me about the film. That being that the film even exists. Now don't get me wrong the film is good but if you look at it from a different point of view it doesn't have to exist. The show ended very well, no loose ends that needed to be tied and nothing that really needed to be brought up again. Hell even the ending for Okabe and Kurisu was wrapped up very nicely. Then the OVA went even further to re-wrap the fucking ending and give it to us again and it was fine. So if you look at it this way, this movie marks the THIRD ending to the series! Why? Now once again I'll say that the movie is great and I loved it. But it really didn't need to happen. I am glad that it did though.

To end this review the movie is awesome and any fan of the show should by all means check it out. To everyone else watch the show then check the film out. You might like it.

Arcane Reviews gives Steins;Gate: Fuka Ryouiki no Déjà Vu an 8 out of 10.

You can watch "Steins;Gate: Fuka Ryouiki no Déjà Vu" on:
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