Saturday, April 26, 2014

Arcane Reviews: Mitsudomoe

Hello ladies, peoples, and animals it is I, the Arcane Reviewer! Here to bring you another anime review. Seeing as how I've been watching a huge amount of serious story driven I decided to give myself a little break and watch a purely comedy based anime that a friend recommended. As you can see this review is up very late due to the fact that this has almost driven me insane and I needed a few days to really think about this show as well as cool off before reviewing it. But mow that I have taken a few days to think to myself I feel that I can properly review this show. So now I present to my review of, Mitsudomoe. Is it actually funny or is just stale raunchy humor? Well let's find out shall we?

Just to start off the show has almost no plot at all. Now this isn't a negative seeing as how not all comedy based anime need an over arcing story. Just a personal favorite of mine, Carnival Phantasm, the show's main purpose is to set up character traits to be used for later comedic reasons and all of the characters that are important so you know just how they mesh with one another so then when a funny scene happens you know more or less how characters will react. It's all normal very basic set up for a comedy show, but this is where the biggest flaw comes in for this show. The joke are very hit or miss. Some of the show's comedy is very much raunchy and felled to the brim physical humor. This can either make a particular scene funny or flat out uncomfortable. There literally no middle ground. It's either funny or not. This type of set up can make the show a bit of a chore to sit through actually. I never fell like I'm doing work when I watch anime for this blog but for the first time I actually did. I was just sitting there watching episodes and saying to myself "I gotta finished because I have to review it." and the show didn't help when it's comedy fell flat on it's ass. This show just didn't works most of the time, it still had it's moments but holy crap they were far and few in between.

Now the animation here is actually quite nice. Nothing really note worthy but I will say that the characters look nice and the animation was very smooth through out the show. Also when ever the show would have to get crazy with a situation and a lot of frantic movement was involved the animation did actually set it up and it was a very nice change of pace. The studio behind this was Bridge who in all honesty I've never heard of, but if I can say anything about them is that they don't cut corners when it comes to the animation of their anime as Mistudomoe is a very well animated series.

The music hear was also quite nice. I assume that it's was stock music because a lot was very generic but it was never awful to listen to. In found that the music helped make some scenes funny even when the scene itself didn't have much to work with in the overall comedic tone it was going. In other words they push the joke too far. The opening song is also a guilty pleasure of mine as I find myself enjoying it very much and the ending song is very nice and sweet to listen too. Even though it doesn't match with the show at all. But overall the show had some nice music.

The characters here are pretty much what you'd expect for a comedy show. All of the characters are just a stereotype or they have a specific character trait, like the pervert or the overly obsessed girl. They are all just pieces to be put into a proper place in which comedy will insure. So with that being said I really didn't like a lot of these character, I wanted to kill them. A lot of the characters here are just fucking annoying to listen too and I really didn't care for what most of them had to say. In had only two characters that I really liked but the main focus would always be on the one that I hate so once again that made the show unenjoyable for me to watch. So yeah the characters here are not very fun to watch.

Now this is my biggest problem with the show. All of the characters, say for a few of the teachers, are underage. They're in 6th grade. Does this stop the show from doing panty jokes? The big fat no. The show is just engrossed almost nothing but panty jokes and other vulgar humor. Now the problem hear is that this show centers around little girls so when they focus around their unmentionables the show gets a little weird to watch. Even more so is when it looks like a joke is going one way then out of nowhere they but out another panty joke because that's the only thing they can apparently come up with! So not only did this show fell like work watching but it also made me feel like police were going to break down my door for watching child porn!

In conclusion I really didn't care for this show, The animation was nice and the music was cool to listen too but the characters were annoying and the comedy didn't mesh well with me. No I know that there are some people who would like this kind of show but for me I wasn't feeling it at all. So I really recommended passing this show up and watch something else.

Arcane Reviews gives Mistudomoe a 4 out of 10.

You can watch "Mistudomoe" on:
Crunchyroll (Sub only)          

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