Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Arcane Reviews: Trigun


Hello ladies, peoples, and animals it is I, the Arcane Reviewer here to bring you another anime review. Now I feel as though that I have enough experience to review an anime classic........okay maybe I don't but I feel as though I can probably handle one of the most beloved anime of all time. I am talking of course of Trigun. So can this anime stand the test of time? Well lets find out.

The story of Trigun takes place on the fictional planet of Gunsmoke where we follow the two lovable business ladies Meryl and Milly as they are sent on a business trip to come in contact with the Human Typhoon Vash the Stampede. A man who's so dangerous and merciless it's said that he took out a whole city full of people all by himself. Vash is so dangerous that he has a bounty on his head that's almost unheard of, sixty billion double dollars! Why they're called double dollars is something that I always wanted to know but at last it's never explained. But anyway, Vash is a monster of a man......or so Meryl and Milly though. It turns out that Vash is nothing more then a loud mouth, doughnut eating, womanizing, idiot.The is so much of an idiot he actually forgot that his gun was empty........while being held at gun point. So we follow Vash, Meryl, and Milly as they go on little adventures all through out the desert covered land of Gunsmoke. Now I know this story doesn't seem like much at first glance but trust me, once the ball starts rolling it will not stop. The anime starts out very light hearted and fun! Then it takes a nose dive down into some really dark stuff. Now I won't go any farther as to not spoil the rest of the story but i will say that it not only gets intense but it gets really emotional.

The animation it actually quite good here. Now I will admit that this show is pretty old so it might seem a little weird to people who are used to the really slick and clean animation of today. But all that being said I love the the animation in this show. Everything moves very nicely and while the show may reuse old animation from time to time they never really over did it with the reusing it. I felt as though the whole show was very well animated and does indeed stand the test of time by still looking very good even to this day.

The music from Trigun is pretty awesome. The music in this show is actually very different from what you'll see in other anime. The music is very western and comprises of guitar and drums, all of the music is really sets the atmosphere perfectly to the whole setting of the anime. Also it has one of the best opening theme songs in anime history. The whole theme is just played in guitar with drums and bass. No lyrics are needed here my friends this opening is just so damn awesome the thought of lyrics in this intro would just ruin it. So music is really freaking awesome here and it puts you in the mood for some Trigun action.

Characters is Trigun's strongest and weakest point. To starts off the main character Vash is probably one of the most well written characters in anime. He has a character arc that flat out just stomp on every other character arc I've ever seen in any anime. We also have a very good supporting of really three. The characters being Meryl, Milly, and Wolfwood a badass priest who caries around a giant cross that doubles as a machine gun and a rocket launcher, also it has a whole set of pistols in stock just in case.......Wolfwood is awesome! We also have really cool villains that I can't go into sadly for two reasons. One if I were to talk about them I would have to spoil the plot because two of them are very tightly nit together to Vash's story that I would have to go into Vash's story which I won't. Reason two is well, none of them are really given enough focus like at all. They are pretty much one episode villains that do tie into Vash as they learn something from him. But they don't ever come back after that one episode. That being said I still enjoyed them because I still feel that the main cast more then makes up for it.

Little things that I didn't like about the anime was really just what I said up on top. The villains aren't given much a lot of episodes to show up in and I feel as though it would've been fun to see more of them through out the series. A side from that I have no real nitpicks that break the show, just those that miner one.

In conclusion I feel that apart from my nitpick, Trigun is an amazing anime to watch. It has such a great story only made even better by having a great main character that if you're an anime fan and you haven't seen it yet, shame on you. You are doing yourself a huge injustice by not watching this anime. So to end this review I will leave you with this; go watch Trigun now.

Arcane Reviewer gives Trigun a 9.5 out of 10.

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