Hello ladies, peoples, and animals it is I, the Arcane Reviewer! Here to say happy one anniversary to me! That's right, one year ago today I started doing these reviews. Now I will admit I am very sorry for the hiatus I took I still feel as though I should celebrate being able to come back to this little blog and keep doing reviews. I know my reviews aren't the best or even the most thought out but hey, I never calmed to be perfect. But at the same time there are some reviews of mine that I have to admit that I just really liked writing and I feel came out really well. So how about I count down my Top 5 Favorite Reviews and my Top 5 Hated Reviews. Because there are some reviews that I will admit I hate looking back at now. So how about I start this list off with the best, here are my Top 5 Favorite Reviews!
Top 5 Favorite Reviews
Number 5: Fate/Zero Review
This was a review was one that I was really looking forward to for a while. Ever since I stared this blog I was really saving Fate/Zero for a while. So when I went on a little Fate marathon in the months of November and December I thought it would be the best time to hunt down the show and finally review it. I was very happy with how it came out. My only real problem with the review is that I didn't make it longer. But aside from that I loved writing this review and it's still one of favorite reviews even to today.
Number 4: Chobits Review
When I decided to do Romance Month, which I was very happy with, I knew for a fact that I would have to review this for two simple reasons. One; it's one of the most popular romance anime so it would make sense to review it for Romance Month. Two; when I first watch Chobits, I fucking hated it. I mean I hated it. But as years passed by I stared to wonder why exactly did I hate it so much. I really couldn't think of a good reason so I decided to rewatch it and see how I felt about it years later. I am very happy say that when I went back to watch Chobits I just loved it. I was very surprised by just how good this show actually was. So when I finally wrote the review it was actually insanely fun to do because I had just so much to say.
Number 3: Serial Experiments Lain Review
Not only does this anime have a special in my heart the review does too. When I was watching Lain it was during a time in my life when I wasn't too sure what college I wanted to go too and I wasn't really taking my education ever seriously during my final years of high schools. But when I decided to sit down and watch Lain I was just horrified by what I saw. The story of a girl who's life was quite literally fading away and how she started losing her grip on reality. This scared the living shit out of me! This was so damn scary that I completely changed and took my education very seriously. So this review sticks with me because this was one of the few times that an anime really made me rethink my life. I know that sounds silly but I can't deny that this anime was pretty damn freaky and this is one of my favorite reviews.
Number 2: Guilty Crown
This review, oh my god, was so much damn fun to do. This was my first really negative review. Because I fucking hated this show and I still do. Guilty Crown was an anime that I decided to watch in one sitting. I stayed up all night so that I could watch because the first 12 episodes were actually pretty damn good. So when I watch the last 12 I was angry at just how bad the quality dropped. So when time finally came for me write the review I went mad on my keyboard. I just typed and typed and typed, until I couldn't think of anything else to hate about this show. i went fucking ballistic on this damn show and it resulted into a review that I think was really funny. Due to how mad I was at the show. So I guess I have to thank Guilty Crown for giving me a great review. But seriously though fuck Guilty Crown. Don't watch it.
Number 1: Aku no Hana Review
I have to say. I really loved how this review came out in the end. When I was on hiatus I really struggled to find any anime to actually review. I felt really unmotivated to watch anything, it was a really dull time for me. So one day I decided to check out a manga that I heard was really missed up and was disturbing. When I finally checked it out for myself I could not believe just how amazing this story was. I found it really fucking hard to not put down my phone and look something else up, I read manga on my phone most of the time, I had to keep reading. When I was done with it I felt that itch. That itch I feel when I really want to review something. So I decided to say "fuck it, I don't care if I don't review manga, I'm reviewing this!". That is how I finally returned to doing my reviews. Because of one of the most fucked up but best manga I have ever read. But the review itself was also really good. I had a lot to say about the manga and I just decided that I am going to write until I have nothing else to say and just like that the review was made. It's my favorite review to date and the manga that got me back into reviewing.
But with any good review, sometimes you have bad ones. So it's time that I poke fun at myself and list the top 5 reviews that I personally hate.
Top 5 Hated Reviews
Number 5: Corpse Princess Review
The Corpse Princess review was a review that I felt was just a really poorly put together review. Not because it was my feelings on anime changed or anything like that. The reason was the actual anime was so lack-luster that when I actually had to write the review I had nothing to say. I was just struggling to find 11 different ways to say that anime was just "okay". I had nothing to really work with and nothing to get mad or praise about the show. I had so little to actually say that I felt that the review was one of my most boring and hollow reviews to write and review. It was a review that I just couldn't find anything to say and I just hated it once I actually finished it.
Number 4: Angel Beats Review
Okay let's get this out of the way, I fucking hate this show. It's shit. So when I review the show I thought I was fair but when I really look back at the actual show I can't help but point out just how shitty the anime really is. I just hate everything about it. So after a good year I decided to look back at the show and I shocked myself. I was so damn soft on this show it disgust me and I was most shocked at the final score I gave it. A 6.5. A fucking 6.5. What the fuck was I thinking?! This show doesn't even deserve a goddamn 4, and I a gave it a 6.5?! Was I high or something!? Now I don't like to go back to my old reviews and edit them, it's not my style. But holy hell I will never forgive myself for giving this show such a high score and that's why I hate it so much.
Number 3: Squid Girl Review
Okay so I know I don't get a lot of views on my reviews but I'm proud of the views I get non-the-less. When I reviewed Squid Girl I was pretty excited, mainly because I really liked the show and I wanted to share my opinion about it. Clearly no one really cared. Squid Girl is my least watch review ever and I am a shamed of it. I think the review itself is fine but it's clear that no one gave a damn about it because of how little views I actually got. It still haunts me to this day and I can never live it down.
Number 2: Mistudomoe Review
Oh god this review. One thing I love about reviewing anime is that it never feels like a job. I am doing something that I love doing and I never feel hindered by it, until anime came around. This anime sucked all of the joy out of reviewing and for the first time ever I felt like I was just watching the anime and reviewing it because I had too, because it's my job to review anime. That's why I hate this review. Not only that but this anime was just so boring and painfully stupid to actually write a review about. I just hated every damn moment of typing up the review. So in turn I hated how the actual review came out and I hate the show just as much.
Number 1: Elfen Lied Review
Seems kinda of obvious that my most hated review is my first review. Yeah I hate my Elfen Lied review. I always go back to it now-and-then and I just can't stand it. I mean damn that review was bad. I gave Elfen Lied a damn 9 even after pointing out a lot of bad things about it, really unbiased huh? The Animation Category was only 2 sentences long and I hardly talked about the plot or characters aside from the main characters. Every time I look back at it I can't help but be so ashamed by the fact that, that thing was my first review. But I can also look back at it and appreciate how far I came from that style of reviewing to how I review now. Elfen Lied, I may love the anime but I hate my own review for it.
So those were my favorite and not-so-favorite anime reviews that I've done so far. I'm happy to say that I'll keep doing reviews and I hope to get even better at them in the future. Also no need to worry, the 4th Kara no Kyoukai review will be released this Saturday. I just wanted to think back on old reviews and find a way to celebrate on one year of reviewing. Thanks for reading.
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