Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Update!: I Am So Sorry bad.....

Hello ladies, peoples, and animals it is I, the Arcane Reviewer! Here to say I am so sorry. I have been M.I.A. for about a damn month. I have been a bit busy since I have been finishing up school. But what about the couple of weeks after I finished school? Well I've just been lazy to do any reviews. Forgive me!

So I'm here to say that I will still do reviews. I am not quitting. But I probably won't be posting any reviews for the month of July, don't worry it's not because I'm being lazy here I swear. The reason being is that I will on a trip that will leave me away from my computer. I have a desktop which makes it a little hard to write any reviews or even watch any anime.

Now if I can get my hands on a laptop or a desktop then I can put up reviews but as of now I don't think I can. But to make it up to you guys I do have two reviews that I'll be working on to release when ever I come back. So I hope you guys enjoy your summer and I am once again sorry for being gone for so long.

Upcoming reviews

Nanana's Buried Treasure

The Garden of Words