Saturday, May 17, 2014

Arcane Reviews: Squid Girl

Hello ladies, peoples, and animals it is I, the Arcane Reviewer! Here to bring you a new anime review. Sorry about being MIA for a little bit. I needed a bit of a break from anime but now I'm back and ready to watch all the anime! So now for today I decided to take on an all comedy anime. I know about three weeks ago I reviewed an all comedy anime and I pretty much hated it. So I decided to watch another to see if that show was just bad or if I just don't like those types of shows. I guess there's nothing left to do then just get on with the review. So now I present to you my review for, Squid Girl. Is it any good? Well let's find out shall we?

So they story here is pretty silly. You young humanoid squid creature named Squid Girl. Clever. She comes up to the surface to take over the world and make the human race pay polluting the sea. Until she and the other people she comes in contact with realizes that she's the only sea creature that has come up to the surface and she has no army what-so-ever. Also she doesn't know jack-shit about the human world so she has no idea what to even take over to begin with. Hell her first major concurring point is a Goddamn beach side restaurant. You know what, I can't even say that she concur it because she the two owners out smart her! Needless to say that she's kind of an idiot. The show plays off the fact that our main character Squid Girl has no clue about the surface world and in all honesty. The show is pretty damn funny. The comedy of this show is actually pretty clever. They don't go for the easiest joke that you see coming, instead they do go the extra mile to try and go for jokes that you don't see coming right off the bat. This does show that the writers do have an idea of what real comedy is and they are trying to make a genuinely funny show, and for the most part they do. I was surprised with what did and I came out of the show really liking it. It was a lot of fun and a show like this that's all I ask for.

Now for the most part I have to say the animation is pretty good here. The sporadic and frantic movement of the characters are done very well by then level of the animation that's done here. All the characters are crazy and as you would expect they have some crazy movements and none of it looks cheap or it looks like they were cutting corners. The animation is done very well here and I am very happy to say that it really brought out the characters personalities even more. Also the setting is done very nicely to, seeing as how the setting is a beach and all. The areas that they put in the show look nice and it gives you a very summer like feeling which is perfect because this show is taking place around spring and summer. So the animation is solid here, no doubt about it.

So the music here is pretty bland to say the least. Now I don't mean that music is bad or hard to listen to but it was just nothing special at all. The music is just boring and it did nothing for any of the funny moments in the show. Well I will say that in two episodes that the music did stand out and the music was good but that's only because in these episodes, more importantly one episode in particular, there's almost no dialog at all. The music just didn't click with me at all and I don't that anyone would really remember any of the tracks if they watched it. Sadly the music is not anything to write home about. Nothing here to get your interest.

Now this show does something that I think is pretty hard to do. This show doesn't have any unlikable characters, yeah I'm being serious here. None of the characters here are bad to the point of being hated. The way that there set up and presented is just as a character who has a certain trait and they just have fun with what they do with them. You Squid Girl who is very ignorant to the world of man and she just messes up a lot but it never goes to the point of being annoying. She actually comes off as genuine in her curiosity of something and when a funny incident happens it makes it all the more funny because she's just lost about what's going on. All of the other characters are fun to watch too and lend there own style of silliness into the mix. The cast of characters are fun and I enjoyed all of them.

I really didn't have any real nitpicks to talk about to be honest. I anything it's that I know that this style of comedy isn't for everyone and I can see some people not really meshing well with it too much. aside from that I have nothing else to add here.

Well I think it's safe to say that this show is pretty good. I had a lot of fun with it and I really enjoyed watching the whole series. Now at the time of me writing this I just figured out that there is indeed a season two. I didn't know this and I don't want to push off the review anymore then I already have so just consider this review for just the first season. Will I ever review season 2? Maybe sometime later but for now I most likely won't. But if it's any good as this season I will be most happy when it comes time to review it.

Arcane Reviews gives Squid Girl an 8 out of 10.

You can watch "Squid Girl" on:
Crunchyroll (Sub only with 1st and 2nd Season)
Netflicks (Sub and Dub with 1st Season only)
Hulu (Dub only and first 10 eps only) 

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