Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Arcane Reviews: Tenchi in Tokyo

Tenchi in Tokyo

Hello ladies, peoples, and animals it is I, the Arcane Reviewer! Here to bring you my second review in the theme of Romance Month! Now I'll come out and say that when I was a kid I remembered really liking a show called Tenchi Muyo. It seemed to be a really cool show and I recall really liking the spin-off called Tenchi in Tokyo. So when choosing what anime I was planning on reviewing for Romance Month I thought about going back and revisiting this anime. Does it stand the test of time or does fall flat on it's ass? Well lest find out shall we?

So as stated before, this is a spin-off of Tenchi Muyo. So none of the events that took place in Tenchi Muyo really matter here because this is a new story. So this story begins with our hero Tenchi deciding that he wants to go to Tokyo to study and train to become a priest just like his grandfather. Now this would be all right and well if it wasn't for two alien princesses, two intergalactic police officers, a super genius, and a space pirate all being upset because of his leaving. He tells them he'll be alright and then it's off to Tokyo where he meets a beautiful young women named Sakuya. The two start to get along and it seems that all is right in Tenchi's world. Well except that all of the people that he left at home start crying and complaining because Tenchi went to do his own thing. Oh and there's a dark presents watching over all of them and may be planning for all of their doom but it's no big deal. Now you think that I was kidding when I say that the main evil was no big deal but really I'm not. The plot of this show takes so many side tracks that you'll soon start to forget the main point of this show. Also the main villain is a horribly weak villain. She's boring, uninteresting, and horribly one note, she's not treating at all. The only two saving grace for this story is the fact that it was pretty funny. Nothing that is spectacular but it was able to get a chuckle out of me. The final point being the love story. I will not lie and say that this is a pretty weakly done romance seeing as how it felt rushed but at the same time they were able to convey that the two leads were in fact in love with each other. So whenever they showed us a scene of them being with each other you felt that they were genuinely in love if all be it a little to quick. So story is not the best part of this anime. But at least the romance was cute.

Well what can I say? This is an old anime so the animation is a little dated. Does this mean that it's bad? Well kinda yeah. The art style isn't particularly bad but the character designs look pretty bad. Big example would be the main villain who has a very small body and a stupid huge cape that kinda just floats around her, it just looks dumb. There are also points in the show when it tries to be funny by giving the characters some over exaggerated faces. Now a lot of anime do this but in Tenchi in Tokyo it looks really bad. It just looks like the artist was trying way too hard to make it look funny that it just looked awful. Fight scenes actually looked pretty good though. They moved very well but aside from that I really didn't mesh well with this animation. Not really so much because it's dated but mainly because it looked bad to me. I also know that there is a lot of anime fans that don't really like old looking shows and in all honesty, this would not sway your opinions.

This show's music was just alright. Yeah that's just the just of it. Nothing really stood out when it came to the music. All the songs sounded generic and uninspired in every way shape and form. It's liked they said "we need a lot of songs but that just sound okay so we can make them work in multiple scenes all through out the anime!". It was all just so forgettable and boring but is wan't bad. The music never made me just want to rip my ears out it just put me to asleep. Music is just "blah" in this department.

Now characters here are really strange to me. Strange because they aren't unlikable in fact I liked some of them quite a bit. But just like the music of the show they aren't very interesting and pretty generic. None them are bad but they do just fit in a character archetype that gets them to just okay status. The two lead characters that have the romance come off cute and innocent but that's about it. The characters themselves are just so underdeveloped that when the big heart-warming moment comes during their love story it's just comes off as cute not really super deep which love is so it's played up here just alright. Same goes for the rest of the characters here too, they're all just alright so their emotion during the whole story just comes off as alright. All the characters are just alright in this show so not much generic and uninteresting.

Nitpicks (Warning Spoilers!!!!):
Well not much to put here seeing how the whole show is riddled with bad stuff. But I will say that thing that did bother me was the ending. In the we figure out that Sakuya was really just a shadow of the main villain Yugi. So she in a sense dies in the end and it comes off as pretty emotional. But what bugs me is that after her pretty much death scene in where we see Tenchi did in fact really love her, it's all but swept under the rug. They play it off as a "summer fling". Yes the woman who loved the main character and even defied her master so she can save the man that she loves is just tossed aside because she wasn't part of the main cast. I'm sorry but that's just awful, you wrote this character to be a sympathetic and gave her a sort of sad death and you just write off her death like it was nothing. Hell at least in fucking Guilty Crown and Fate/Stay Night we see that the love interest left an impression on the main characters. They even acknowledge that they were in love this their particular woman and showed some sort of grief over the fact that they're gone. But Tenchi doesn't seem to give two fucking shits over the fact that Sakuya is fucking dead! Fuck you show, fuck you!

Well to wrap things up I have to say that Tenchi in Tokyo is dated as hell. Past all nostalgia I had for it I have to say this was just not a very good show. Aside from the romance being put together alright there is nothing else here I can say to recommend this anime. So I say skip this show and find a much more romantic show to enjoy with your loved one. Meanwhile I'll be drinking myself into another coma.

Arcane Reviews gives Tenchi in Tokyo a 4 out of 10.

You can watch "Tenchi in Tokyo" on:
Funimation (Dub and Sub)              

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