Saturday, November 29, 2014

Arcane Reviews: Kara no Kyoukai: Oblivion Recording

Hello ladies, peoples, and animals it is I, the Arcane Reviewer! Here a new anime review. Yes I've been gone for 2 weeks. I'm a college student, give me a break. but anyway.....I have not been looking forward to this review. To be honest I really didn't want to revisit this movie. But because I have reviewer integrity I will watch the movie! Oh boy is this movie weak. So without further or due let's proceed with the review shall we?

The story this time around actually has very little to do with the main plot of the whole series. It's has very little to do with anything that has happened in all of the other movies. the story follows Azaka, Mikiya's sister who appeared in "A Remaining Sense of Pain" and "Paradox Spiral". The movie follows Azaka as she is given an assignment from Toko. The mission she has been given is that "fairies" have been reported to be stealing students memories and the cause of suspicious suicides at an academy that Azaka actually attends. So she is to get to the bottom of it and see just who is behind these fairy related incidents. Oh and Shiki is here too. Just because, Yeah that's is the biggest issue with the movie, it feels like filler. Nothing in this movie really tells us anything about what has happened in the previous movie, it's very self contain compared to the other five movies before it. The movie doesn't add much when it comes to the story of Kara no Kyoukai and it really feels like it.

As you would expect the animation here is very good. The location this time around is a private school so we get a lot of nice colors going around. Also with the inclusion of fairies we get to see the cool little trails of light they leave behind and of course, the fight scenes in this movie look really good. Just about every bit of animation is great here but hey, what did you expect? It's Ufotable.

Music here is good, but not as good as it could have been. Due to the pretty much lack luster story going on here music doesn't have a lot of time shine. The music is soothing and nice, it kind of feels like the soundtrack to slice-of-life anime. The music does stand out however when ever the fight scenes are going on. That's when the music gets into gear and becomes very impressive. Once again not a lot I can say here. It's like I'm beating a dead horse at this point.

This is another point in which the movie feels like it doesn't add a lot to the series, the movie only has Shiki in it. She doesn't really do in the story and her character doesn't really get further developed. Toko and Mikiya are just about absent from the movie. The only character who gets screen time is Azaka, who isn't really that great of a character. She's a bitch to Shiki, way in over her head, and really wants to bang her own brother. Okay that last bit is just my personal distant for insect but in all seriousness she's just not an interesting character. She's not nearly as complex as Shiki and that just makes the movie feel pretty useless seeing as how Shiki is the main character.

This movie is pretty much filler. It's not a bad film by any means but it doesn't really add anything to the overall Kara no Kyoukai movies and it can easily be skipped. As I said it's not a bad film but it's not really needed to enjoy all of the much better films.

Arcane Reviews gives Kara no Kyoukai: Oblivion Recording a 5.5 out of 10.

You can watch "Kara no Kyoukai" on:
No legal streaming sites. Sorry.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Arcane Reviews: Kara no Kyoukai: Paradox Spiral

Hello ladies, peoples, and animals it is I, the Arcane Reviewer! Here to continue my very long retrospective of the Kara no Kyoukai series. We have finally made to the 5th film everybody. So that means that I only have two more films to review and then this little marathon is over, yay! For today's review I'm going to take a look at what many fans of the series consider the best film out of the seven. I am of course talking about Kara no Kyoukai: Paradox Spiral. Is this film really as good as most die-hard fans say or is it just a sub-par film at best? Let's find out shall we?

In this film we follow a young man named, Tomoe Enjou, as he kills his parents and runs away after committing the dirty deed. He then runs into Shiki in where the two of them get well acquainted with one another and quickly become friends. But not everything is what it seems as certain things that Tomoe say don't really add up. Like the fact that no real news outlet ah reported on his flocks murder despite the fact that he left the bodies there to rot. So something does seem very odd indeed. The story for Paradox Spiral is certainly a crazy one. Just when you think that you're done with the films being placed out of order, in comes this film. The structure of the film is very out of order and purposely confusing. But fear not, you don't have to watch four other films to try and understand it. The film eventually syncs of and everything comes into order giving you that beautiful of "oh so that's what happened." Which is always fun to sit through. But along with the out of order story comes that dark themes that these films are very well known for. Which I can't really get into thoroughly in fear of spoiling the film. I will say that family plays a huge part in this film as well as the idea what a true home. Hell, the film also goes into the idea of whether or not the end justifies the means to find the truth. As well as discussing who you are as a person and what makes you, you. You got that? Good, because this film will through that shit at you like a damn baseball. The heavy themes are well presented and the film tackles them like no ones business. The film can be crazy confusing at times, which can through some off, but the story has a very well written plot that really hits the viewer hard.

Now this film has the most odd animation out of the seven. Including the two films that come after this. The animation feels, slightly erratic. All the movement here kind feel messy and not very smooth as the other films. This is both good and a little bad. The bad part here is that it can be a bit hard to clearly understand just is happening during some of the fight scenes. The animation is so wild that everything is moving and the camera goes a little baserk with it as well. The good though is that it gives the film a very uncanny feel to it. Something feels off about this films which makes sense because the whole film is kinda off with the whole out of order stuff going on. So the animation does help the story feel off as well. But unlike the other films, the backgrounds have no real meat to them. The other films always out a lot of background detail into the shot to bring more life to it. Now while this movie does have some fairly nice scenery, it's not a lot and even then it doesn't last long. Most of the film takes place in one building and while the lighting and the building it self are very impressive, it is the same background you've seen already. Now I'm not shitting on the animation at all, it's still really good. But compared to the other films it does lack a bit.

The music here is just as good as the other films but like the others it does find ways to be different. The film actually has a lot of uplifting tracks in it. Songs that feel as though they should go into a much lighter toned film but that where the music shines. It plays in scenes that call back to a character's past or when someone is having a personal moment. This works really well as it intensifies the emotions in the given scene. The music that plays during fights are what you'd expect at this point into the series. Fast-paced action and triumphant sounding, a mix that has made the battle music for Kara no Kyoukai so damn enjoyable and in the mood for some kick-ass action.

The film's strongest point here is the characters. The characters from the main cast that get to shine are Mikiya and Touko. We see why Touko chooses Mikiya as her assistant and he comes off as a very smart and caring person. He knows he's not the strongest guy around but that won't stop him from from trying to help his friends when ever they are in need. Touko get's her shine in the spotlight as a badass. She doesn't do a lot but when she's in action you really get to see why she's such a great character. The other character that has a lot of development is Tomoe. We don't really like at first but once you really start to understand his character he comes off as a very sad person who just lost sight of really mattered in his life. He's a great character and this is most defiantly his film and his story.

Now is this the best film in the series? In my opinion, no. But this is still a really good film. It's animation is very good but lacks in comparison to the others and the out of order nature of the film can be a bit frustrating to some. But the music is still top notch, the story is dark but oddly uplifting, and the characters are at their best in this film. I highly recommend it to anyone who loves anime and dark stories in general.

Arcane Reviews gives Kara no Kyoukai: Paradox Spiral a 9 out of 10.

You can watch "Kara no Kyoukai" on:
No legal streaming sites. Sorry.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Arcane Reviews: Kara no Kyoukai: The Hollow Shrine

Hello ladies, peoples, and animals it is I, the Arcane Reviewer! Here to bring you new anime review. Oh hey look at that, a new review that wasn't uploaded last week. Look I'm a busy guy and at least I posted something for last week and didn't leave you guys hanging. I know no excuses. But hey look at that another Kara no Kyoukai movie. Yay. Now unlike the last review I did this movie is nowhere near as dark as the last review. But not that all of that is out of the way lets jump into my review for, The Hollow Shrine. Just how much does the 4th installment hold up against the other 3, lets find out shall we?

In this film it takes place right after the events of the 2nd movie, within the timeline order. Shiki has fallen into a coma and she ends up waking up about 2 years later. But she is not without some scars from what ever happened to her. Her eyes seem to be acting weird and she keeps seeing horrible things like people falling apart and these crazy red lines all over the place. Yeah, Shiki's fucked up isn't she? The story here is very slow and not a lot actually happens. This may seem like a bad thing seeing as how most of these movies, the exception being the 2nd film, the slow pace here actually helps the feel of the movie. The movie doesn't have a lot happening and mostly fulled with people just talking but this is pretty good because seeing as how the last film was a very heavy and foreboding monster that makes you feel sick this film changes things up a bit which is a good. The movie also really dives deep into Shiki's mind and shows us a lot of layers to her character that we didn't really know. So this film does a pretty good job at keeping your attention even though there may not be a lot happening on screen and it's a great chance to develop Shiki into very more of a complex character then before.

Now at first glance this film may not seem like it has the best animation out of all these films. Which is understandable, most of this film takes place in a hospital. Most notably one freaking room. This may seem like a downside to the animation seeing as how beautifully animated the last 3 films were. However the film does amp up the visual beauty in the middle and later half of the film. The movies has scenes in which it show a cavalcade of colors and gorgeous animation. It is just amazing to watch all of these glimpse of how badass Ufotable can make scenes look. There is also a great fight scene at the end, well sort of. The scene is nowhere a good as the final fight scene in A Remaining Sense of Pain but the sequence is made very memorable by the sound design the accompanies the scene. Speaking of which...

The music and sound design in this movie is really good in this film. Now like a lot of the other films music here is very good and is used wisely. But, at least to me, music is used the least in this film then in others. So you end up having a lot of all of these background noises like footsteps on the floor, wind flowing through the room, and the ruffles of clothing while characters move. When music does play it feels very strong and makes scenes feel like they hold a lot of importance because of the sudden change in sound. Great usage of music like this really makes the anime stand out among other anime that just use music for the hell of it.

Now just like the last film this movies really has only one character that has any real character development. Shiki is the main focus of this film and she gets a lot of great development and character building. In other films we usually see Shiki as a emotionless badass but this film ends up showing a very different side of her that we don't get to see a lot in film. The movie really wants us to feel Shiki's pain and struggle which as she has to push through the horrible events that are happening to her in this film. This film felt like it was the movie to give us some real reasons and answers as to why Shiki act the way that she does and I feel like it does a very good job at that.

This film kinda end what I like to call the "Out of Order" sequence of the Kara no Kyoukai films. The first 4 films where purposely put out of order and now that I've seen all of these films in that format I really do like. You ask question in one film and only get a few answers in another, it really makes these movies like a puzzle to watch. I do feel like this is the 3rd best out the first 4 but it's still a great watch that you should not miss.

Arcane Reviews gives Kara no Kyoukai: The Hollow Shrine a 7.5 out of 10.

You can watch "Kara no Kyoukai" on:
No legal streaming sites. Sorry.             

Thursday, October 23, 2014

1 Year Anniversary Special: Top 5 Favorite Reviews and Top 5 Hated Reviews!

Hello ladies, peoples, and animals it is I, the Arcane Reviewer! Here to say happy one anniversary to me! That's right, one year ago today I started doing these reviews. Now I will admit I am very sorry for the hiatus I took I still feel as though I should celebrate being able to come back to this little blog and keep doing reviews. I know my reviews aren't the best or even the most thought out but hey, I never calmed to be perfect. But at the same time there are some reviews of mine that I have to admit that I just really liked writing and I feel came out really well. So how about I count down my Top 5 Favorite Reviews and my Top 5 Hated Reviews. Because there are some reviews that I will admit I hate looking back at now. So how about I start this list off with the best, here are my Top 5 Favorite Reviews!

Top 5 Favorite Reviews

Number 5: Fate/Zero Review

This was a review was one that I was really looking forward to for a while. Ever since I stared this blog I was really saving Fate/Zero for a while. So when I went on a little Fate marathon in the months of November and December I thought it would be the best time to hunt down the show and finally review it. I was very happy with how it came out. My only real problem with the review is that I didn't make it longer. But aside from that I loved writing this review and it's still one of favorite reviews even to today.

Number 4: Chobits Review

When I decided to do Romance Month, which I was very happy with, I knew for a fact that I would have to review this for two simple reasons. One; it's one of the most popular romance anime so it would make sense to review it for Romance Month. Two; when I first watch Chobits, I fucking hated it. I mean I hated it. But as years passed by I stared to wonder why exactly did I hate it so much. I really couldn't think of a good reason so I decided to rewatch it and see how I felt about it years later. I am very happy say that when I went back to watch Chobits I just loved it. I was very surprised by just how good this show actually was. So when I finally wrote the review it was actually insanely fun to do because I had just so much to say.

Number 3: Serial Experiments Lain Review

Not only does this anime have a special in my heart the review does too. When I was watching Lain it was during a time in my life when I wasn't too sure what college I wanted to go too and I wasn't really taking my education ever seriously during my final years of high schools. But when I decided to sit down and watch Lain I was just horrified by what I saw. The story of a girl who's life was quite literally fading away and how she started losing her grip on reality. This scared the living shit out of me! This was so damn scary that I completely changed and took my education very seriously. So this review sticks with me because this was one of the few times that an anime really made me rethink my life. I know that sounds silly but I can't deny that this anime was pretty damn freaky and this is one of my favorite reviews.

Number 2: Guilty Crown

This review, oh my god, was so much damn fun to do. This was my first really negative review. Because I fucking hated this show and I still do. Guilty Crown was an anime that I decided to watch in one sitting. I stayed up all night so that I could watch because the first 12 episodes were actually pretty damn good. So when I watch the last 12 I was angry at just how bad the quality dropped. So when time finally came for me write the review I went mad on my keyboard. I just typed and typed and typed, until I couldn't think of anything else to hate about this show. i went fucking ballistic on this damn show and it resulted into a review that I think was really funny. Due to how mad I was at the show. So I guess I have to thank Guilty Crown for giving me a great review. But seriously though fuck Guilty Crown. Don't watch it.

Number 1: Aku no Hana Review

I have to say. I really loved how this review came out in the end. When I was on hiatus I really struggled to find any anime to actually review. I felt really unmotivated to watch anything, it was a really dull time for me. So one day I decided to check out a manga that I heard was really missed up and was disturbing. When I finally checked it out for myself I could not believe just how amazing this story was. I found it really fucking hard to not put down my phone and look something else up, I read manga on my phone most of the time, I had to keep reading. When I was done with it I felt that itch. That itch I feel when I really want to review something. So I decided to say "fuck it, I don't care if I don't review manga, I'm reviewing this!". That is how I finally returned to doing my reviews. Because of one of the most fucked up but best manga I have ever read. But the review itself was also really good. I had a lot to say about the manga and I just decided that I am going to write until I have nothing else to say and just like that the review was made. It's my favorite review to date and the manga that got me back into reviewing.

But with any good review, sometimes you have bad ones. So it's time that I poke fun at myself and list the top 5 reviews that I personally hate.

Top 5 Hated Reviews

Number 5: Corpse Princess Review

The Corpse Princess review was a review that I felt was just a really poorly put together review. Not because it was my feelings on anime changed or anything like that. The reason was the actual anime was so lack-luster that when I actually had to write the review I had nothing to say. I was just struggling to find 11 different ways to say that anime was just "okay". I had nothing to really work with and nothing to get mad or praise about the show. I had so little to actually say that I felt that the review was one of my most boring and hollow reviews to write and review. It was a review that I just couldn't find anything to say and I just hated it once I actually finished it.

Number 4: Angel Beats Review

Okay let's get this out of the way, I fucking hate this show. It's shit. So when I review the show I thought I was fair but when I really look back at the actual show I can't help but point out just how shitty the anime really is. I just hate everything about it. So after a good year I decided to look back at the show and I shocked myself. I was so damn soft on this show it disgust me and I was most shocked at the final score I gave it. A 6.5. A fucking 6.5. What the fuck was I thinking?! This show doesn't even deserve a goddamn 4, and I a gave it a 6.5?! Was I high or something!? Now I don't like to go back to my old reviews and edit them, it's not my style. But holy hell I will never forgive myself for giving this show such a high score and that's why I hate it so much.

Number 3: Squid Girl Review

Okay so I know I don't get a lot of views on my reviews but I'm proud of the views I get non-the-less. When I reviewed Squid Girl I was pretty excited, mainly because I really liked the show and I wanted to share my opinion about it. Clearly no one really cared. Squid Girl is my least watch review ever and I am a shamed of it. I think the review itself is fine but it's clear that no one gave a damn about it because of how little views I actually got. It still haunts me to this day and I can never live it down.

Number 2: Mistudomoe Review

Oh god this review. One thing I love about reviewing anime is that it never feels like a job. I am doing something that I love doing and I never feel hindered by it, until anime came around. This anime sucked all of the joy out of reviewing and for the first time ever I felt like I was just watching the anime and reviewing it because I had too, because it's my job to review anime. That's why I hate this review. Not only that but this anime was just so boring and painfully stupid to actually write a review about. I just hated every damn moment of typing up the review. So in turn I hated how the actual review came out and I hate the show just as much.

Number 1: Elfen Lied Review

Seems kinda of obvious that my most hated review is my first review. Yeah I hate my Elfen Lied review. I always go back to it now-and-then and I just can't stand it. I mean damn that review was bad. I gave Elfen Lied a damn 9 even after pointing out a lot of bad things about it, really unbiased huh? The Animation Category was only 2 sentences long and I hardly talked about the plot or characters aside from the main characters. Every time I look back at it I can't help but be so ashamed by the fact that, that thing was my first review. But I can also look back at it and appreciate how far I came from that style of reviewing to how I review now. Elfen Lied, I may love the anime but I hate my own review for it.

So those were my favorite and not-so-favorite anime reviews that I've done so far. I'm happy to say that I'll keep doing reviews and I hope to get even better at them in the future. Also no need to worry, the 4th Kara no Kyoukai review will be released this Saturday. I just wanted to think back on old reviews and find a way to celebrate on one year of reviewing. Thanks for reading.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Arcane Reviews: Kara no Kyoukai: A Remaining Sense of Pain

Hello ladies, peoples, and animals it is I, the Arcane Reviewer! Here to continue my retrospective of the Kara no Kyoukai films. This one is gonna be a bit tricky to review. Just to start off, this is one of the darker entries in the Garden of Sinners series. This film has some of the most brutal death scenes and contains a lot of rape. Yes, rape. To make this review short for those who don't like the idea of rape in anime and just want my opinion on the matter I will say that this is a good film. If you can handle it then you should check it out. If you don't think you can then skip this one. Now with that out of the way let's talk about this dark as hell movie. Kara no Kyoukai: Remaining Sense of Pain. Let's begin shall we?

The movie follows a young woman named, Fujino Asagami. The first time we see her in the film is of her being raped by a group of thugs. Afterwards all of the thugs that participated in the rape just so happen to be getting brutally killed off one-by-one. This gets the attention of Toko as she is already on the case with the help of Shiki and Mikiya. As you would expect it's Fujino who's doing the murders but she almost seems to be joyful while committing these horrible killings. She also seems to be experiencing a horrible sense of pain that just won't go away as well as demonstrating powerful telekinetic abilities. So now it's a twisted game of cat-and-mouse as Shiki is hunting down Fujino and she's hunting down the men who violated her. This film is fucked up. This is probably the darkest anime I have ever had to review and oh god is it hard to review. The themes brought up in the film is the feeling of pain and pain of rape. The rape part is very unsettling due to how graphic the film gets with the scenes but at the same time the film shows how the pain of being violated can effect one's psyche. Fujino is like a fucking horror movie villain as she slowly hunts down every last member of the gang that did this horrible act upon her. There's also the theme of feeling pain and if pain makes of human. I wish I could talk more about this but I'd be giving away some major spoilers. So trust me when I say that the film does a good job at explaining this theme in very disturbing detail. The story is dark, unsettling, and very hard ti set through but I'd be lying if I said that it wasn't done well.

Just like always the animation here is great but holy crap, the backgrounds here are even darker then the first film. The movie has a very dark tone so in turn the setting is just bleak, ugly, and almost disturbing to look at. It goes hand-in-hand with the fucked up feeling that the movie is going for so in retrospective it does a good job. But the highlight of the animation here is the final scene. One big ass action sequence that is just batshit insane to watch. The final fight in the film is animated beautifully and is so tilling to watch. The fast pace movements as well as the intense cat-and-mouse style to the fighting made so interesting to watch. The rain effects during the fight was also extremely well done to. It feels like it's actually raining really hard while these characters are ducking it out to the death and the way the rain moves along with the characters is just amazing. So the animation is once again really well done here but that final fight scene is the real highlight of this film.

Just like the other movies before it, the music does not disappoint. The music here is very similar to the first film. The music is very atmospheric and very hunting. It almost feels like the further we dive into Fujino's mind the music in return gets more and more disturbed. You also have the music during the final fight. The music during this fight is very intense and fast but the song also has a very quite tune to it as well. Not only that but the film also knew when to completely stop using music to further deliver the straight of the scene itself. The music here is very good and I feel like the music just keeps getting better and better as these films go along.

Okay so to be honest none of the main cast here have any real development in this film. We see some at the end but I'm not going spoil that. However the real star of the movie is actually Fujino. Holy shit is she one fucked up person. Fujino's character is displayed as someone who isn't quite sure what it really mean to be alive. She basically comes off as someone who's completely devoid of any emotions or feeling at all. But when Fujino starts to feel the pain in her abdomen this is when her character really changes. Before when we saw her she was just an emotionless shell that didn't even care about being raped constantly. But once she feels this horrible pain she turns into the near monster of a person. She starts to find enjoyment in the killing and mutilating of the men who raped her. But even as she starts to go even more insane through out the film you can't help but feel sorry for her. She seems like someone who just wants some basic human connections is her life but her emotionless state and now her new murderous intent she just seems too far off to help her.

To close this review I would like to say that this is a good film. However I would like to warn you that is the darkest film in the Kara no Kyoukai series so this film may not be for everyone. But overall I thought that this was a very good film. Just really fuck up and hard to watch.

Arcane Reviews gives Kara no Kyoukai: A Remaining Sense of Pain an 8 out of 10.

You can watch "Kara no Kyoukai" on:
No legal streaming sites. Sorry 

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Arcane Reviews: Kara no Kyoukai: A Study in Murder-Part 1

Hello ladies, peoples, and animals it is I, the Arcane Reviewer! Here to bring you a new anime review. Yeah sorry about no review last week. I was a bit busy with college stuff. Nothing important. However this review being on a Saturday is not me being late with reviews. Nope this is a new thing that I'm gonna start doing now. Reviews will no longer be on Wednesdays but insisted being moved to Saturdays. Also as you might have been able to tell from the review I did two weeks ago, the Nitpick category will no longer be used anymore. I don't like it and I feel as though it was hindering my writing for these reviews. But anyways let's move on. Last I was here I reviewed the first Kara no Kyoukai film, which is actually like the the 4th film in the timeline of the movies. So now today we jump back in time to the origins of Shiki, when she still had SHIKI. Today I'll be covering Kara no Kyoukai: A Study in Murder-Part 1. Is it just as good as the first one or does it pale in comparison? Let's find out shall we?

Now as you would be able to guess, this film takes place a couples years before the events of the first years. We go all the way to Mikiya's high school years and follow him when he first meets a young Shiki. The story here is not as intense as Overlooking View but still is a very high quality story on the same level but with different content in it. While Overlooking View was very much a story that talked about suicide and was built as a ghost story. However, A Study in Murder is more of a murder mystery while also having a very odd romance thrown in there. The movie doesn't tackle any major themes that the first film did but it's okay because this movie has a very good story behind. The story mainly centers around Mikiya trying to get to know Shiki more as he ends up becoming interested with her and eventually falls in love with her. All the while a series of murders are happening around the town that they live in. Even worse is that Shiki always seems to be at the scene of the murder. We don't see her actually kill anyone but she is always at the crime scene and standing over the corpse. This leads into Mikiya basically trying to convince himself and even Shiki that she's not the killer. Now even though the story here is really good it also does the dirty little things that a lot of movies in series do, give you a lot of questions and no answers. Now I can understand that this was made to be apart of series but the answers to who is doing the murders and why is he doing them actually doesn't get answers until the 7th movies. That's a pretty long wait. But aside from that small point the story is still very strong and really fleshes out these characters as well.

Just like before, Ufotable delivers in this category. But I am very happy to say that the feeling of the animation here is on a very different tone then in Overlooking View. While Overlooking View had a very dark, washed out, and creepy atmosphere to it, A Study in Murder actually has more colorful scenery while mixing in the darker tones as well. This gives the movie a very different feeling to it because by showing what the modern day world looks like and then bringing the darker side of this world into the spotlight it makes it seem even darker. Not only that but the animation for the characters is still just as damn good as it was in the first movie. There aren't any big action scenes like in the first movie but the movie doesn't skip on the quality either. The animation is on par and even at some points better then the animation in Overlooking View. The anime looks really damn good and it just a joy to watch.

Just like with the animation the music is beautiful but is a different kind of beautiful. The music here works really well with the animation and really likes to keep things very quiet. While the first one had amazing music as well it was more of a dangerous and almost occult sounding, giving a lot of to the supernatural aspect of the first film. But this time around the music has more toned down and somber tone for all of the creepy scenes. But also has more uplifting and relaxing music for the more quiet scenes. If two people are talking and having a normal conversation then the music will be subtle and faint or no music will be used. However if a conversation is being had with a much heavier weight on then the music will be a little louder but will also have a much more sinister tone. The music works great here and is easily the strongest to the movie.

Another strong aspect to this movies is it's characters. Just like the first film we don't have a very large cast. The only two characters that have any real importance in the story, Mikiya and Shiki. Mikiya comes off as a normal guy who just ended up falling for a very odd girl. Then again it's Shiki so I can't blame him. So his character is pretty damn determine to prove Shiki's innocent even if she herself believes she's guilty. You can really tell that he genuinely loves Shiki and wants to her to have a normal life. Shiki also comes off as a different person from the first film. That Shiki was a cold but good hearted badass while this Shiki is more of a shut in that doesn't want to get close to anyone. We even learn that she has another personality called SHIKI, (Note: The capitalization of her name means male in the Japanese writing. So the direct translation is just her name in all caps.) her other half that is more out going then her and is even more friendly as well. We get to learn a lot about the two personalities here and get a good sense of who Shiki really is. We see why she's so cold and why she's so shut in. But what sells these characters even more is the fact that they have great chemistry. We can get a good idea of how Mikiya could fall for Shiki while also seeing her warm up to him and how this starts to scare her. The characters work great off of each other and even more so are great characters in of themselves.

This is a pretty damn good follow up to Overlooking View. Or a good beginning to the Kara no Kyoukai series seeing as how this is the beginning of the timeline. Oh fuck it, it's a good movie! It has a great set of characters and has some damn fine music. Not all of the questions raised in the story are answered but at least we got an amazing movie in the end, and that's really all that matters.

Arcane Reviews gives Kara no Kyoukai: A Study in Murder-Part 1 an 8 out of 10.

You can watch "Kara no Kyoukai" on:
No legal streaming sites. Sorry.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Arcane Reviews: Kara no Kyoukai: Overlooking View

Hello ladies, peoples, and animals! It is I, the Arcane Reviewer! Here to bring you with another anime review. Now that I'm back In decided that I would like to actually do something special for all of you! The one year anniversary of when I started doing reviews it coming up so I thought why not give you guys a series a reviews for the next seven weeks of one of my all time favorite anime film series? That's right for the next seven weeks I'll be taking a look at the whole film series of, Kara no Kyoukai: The Garden of Sinners. So to start this series off right lets jump right into it with a review of the first film, Overlooking View. Let's begin shall we?

The story begins in the 1998 with our hero, Shiki Ryogi. A young woman with an amazing gift, the ability to see the death lines of anyone or anything. We also get to meet her two coworkers, Toko Aozaki and Mikiya Kokuto. They are a supernatural investigation group who, as you can imagine, deal with with anything that may seem to dwell into the surreal or supernatural side of things. They get a case that has been getting a lot of wind lately. Over at the abandoned Fujo building a group of young high school girls have been committing suicide unexpectedly. None of the girls seem to have anything that relates to one another and even more odd is the lack of a suicide note to at least explain why they did it. As Shiki inspects the building she finds that things are not all that they seem and something dark and twisted is happening inside that old forgotten building. Now the set up here is a bit odd, what do I mean? Well it's odd because the film does this really weird thing of name dropping characters, events, and certain places that all of the characters in the movie knows but not the audience. That's because the first four films in the Kara no Kyoukai series are actually out of order. So this film is in fact the 4th film in the series. Now while some may be a bit turned off by this I found it to make the film very interesting to sit through. Because know what's up and all of the major pieces plot development are put to the side of the audience but we know that we'll see what the film is talking about sooner or later. But for now we're just left in mystery, which may turn some off to the idea of watching these films. Also the subject material in this film may be a bit too heavy for some to handle. Suicide is a big subject matter in this film and it doesn't really pull any punches on how some of these characters feel about the notion of suicide and whether or not it's okay to take your own life. It's pretty heavy and some may feel a bit offended by the film but I personally thought they tackled the problem with taste and didn't really lean on what side was "right" or "wrong". They kept it very even and I thought that the film was pretty damn good with how they presented and commented on the issue of suicide.

The fact that this is a Ufotable anime should already tell you already just how damn good this animation is. But just in case you need a reminder, this animation is amazing! Once again Ufotable shows off once why they are my favorite animation studio by just how jaw-droppingly beautiful this film looks. The design of the city is just so damn good and you get a lot of shot of the city just to give you an idea how big this place is. Not to mention the atmosphere that is created with the more darker and empty setting of the Fujo building as we get to look inside it as well. The animation during the two fight scenes are also done really good as well. You get a very claustrophobic and uneasy vibe from the first fight but then during the final fight you get this whole show of colors and fast-paced action that just never lets you go because of just how well it's animated. Character designs also look very simple, clean, and nice. But this is a Type-Moon product. These guys could make a redhead in jeans and a baseball shirt look iconic.......wait. Anyway animation is great and really gives a wide scope to the film.

Oh my God this music. This music! Yes the music is really good here well. The music, very much like the art and animation, set up a tone of somberness, loneliness, and overall dread. It's a hauntingly beautiful sound that set up a very eerie stage for the film. Not to mention that the music would become creepy and ghostly at the right moments to invoke a sense of fear or weariness. But the film doesn't go to over bored with it's music too. When the film needs to be more quiet and subtle the music would also get a downgrade in scale or no music would be used in certain scenes This gave the film more room to breath and not overuse any of it's tracks like a lot of anime does. The music is used very well and it's a treat to listen to. But then again what do you expect from Yuki Kajiura? Greatness that's what.

This part is going to be a little tricky. Now while I already know what these characters go through I know that at a first time glance you're gonna be a bit lost. The characters here don't get a lot of development because this film is the 4th installment so their at the halfway point of their characters. So that means this film does very little to actually give a lot of in-depth development for these guys. But that doesn't mean that they come off as stale either. Shiki comes off as a harden badass who takes shit from no one but you can still tell that there is a softer side to her that we've yet to fully see and we can also tell that she has kind of relationship Mikiya. How deep this relationship goes though we don't fully know but you can tell that they are special to one another. Even if Shiki doesn't reveal it very much. Toko is another character we get a good idea of. She comes off as a very cool, collective, and smart individual. She clearly has a lot more going on then she leads on but for now she's just one cool boss that I personally would love to have. Mikiya is also kinda hard to get a point on. That's mainly due to the fact that he's not in the film a lot. But as stated before he has a very odd connection to Shiki and the moments that we see them together we get to see more of his character traits shine. He seems like a cool guy and we wait to see why he's so into to Shiki later down the films.

Well in the end Overlooking View is a bit of an odd choice to open up the Kara no Kyoukai series. Now while there are six more films to go through it is understandable for some to be a bit lost after watching this. But even not fully knowing what's going on I still feel that this movie is a interesting first watch for the series and has enough plot and subtext that it can keep a person's interest long enough for the next installment: A Study in Murder-Part 1.

Arcane Reviews gives Kara no Kyoukai: Overlooking View an 8.5 out of 10.

You can watch "Kara no Kyoukai" on:
No legal streaming sites. Sorry.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Arcane Reviews: Aku No Hana: The Flowers of Evil

Guess who's back?

Hello ladies, peoples and animals it is I. The one. The only. Arcane Reviewer! Man it's good to be back! Now yes I did say that I was going to return in late August but some things came to where I was unable to really sit down and do any reviews. Hell I wasn't even motivated to watch any anime or review any of it either. But it wasn't until I came across this little piece of "What the fuckery". See I am a bit of a manga reader. It kinda goes hand-in-hand with being a fan of anime. Now I'm not much of an advent manga reader. I read a couple of chapters in a series that I like or even read all the way through short or completed series. Yeah I just don't read a lot of it but I do read quite a bit. So while I was looking for an anime to review I kinda got stuck and gave up until I could find something that really caught my interest. So far nothing came to mind. It wasn't until a friend of mine mentioned a little series called, Aku No Hana. The name rang a bell so I looked into it. It turned out that I actually did hear about this series through another friend of mine who mentioned how "fucked up" it was. But he also made it clear that he actually liked the manga. So I thought, hey might as well give it a try. This ladies, peoples, and animals is what brought me back. After reading this manga I felt compelled to jump on my computer and give this book a review!

Now first off; this is my first time reviewing a manga so this is going to be a bit different from my normal reviews. Here are some of the things that are being changed up.
  1. I will not be covering the animation. Because there isn't any freaking dumb-ass
  2. I will not be covering the music. Because there isn't freaking dumb-ass.
  3. I will be covering the art.
  4. I will be going into spoilers about the ending. This won't be the stranded for when I review manga. It's just that the ending of this manga is something that has a lot of people split and I feel as though I need to discuss it in full detail.
  5. There will be no Nitpick category. I'm pretty much thinking about dropping the category completely but until I deiced I'm just not going to put it in this review.
So now that all of that bull is out of the way let's get on with my review of, Aku No Hana: The Flowers of Evil. What was it about this show that made me come back? Well let's find out shall we?

The manga starts us off in a small town in Japan in which we are introduced to our main character, Takao Kasuga. A middle school student who is pretty damn shy and is a pit on the pretentious side. He has a crush on the class idol, Nanako Saeki. In fact he has such a huge crush on her that when he realizes that Saeki left her gym uniform back in class he does what any normal person would do. Pick the clothes up and smell them. Because that's obviously the first thing one should do in that situation.
But when he hears a bump in the thought-to-be empty class room he freaks out and does another logical course of action. Stuff the gym clothes up his shirt and run away. I get the feeling that Kasuga isn't all that bright. After that awful situation, Kasuga runs into the freak of his class, Sawa Nakamura. A very odd individual who reveals that she saw Kasuga steal the gym clothes. She threatens to reveal Kasuga to the whole school unless he makes a contract with her. What does this contract entail you might ask. Oh nothing much. She just gets to do horrible things to him and systematically ruin his life and any chance he had at being normal. You know I never had to go through any of this shit while I was in middle school. So the scene is set and Kasuga's life is going to get a whole lot more interesting than it was before. Now from the surface this not seems like a very odd idea for a plot but you have to wonder just how far can they go with this concept. Well this is where Aku No Hana actually pulls the rug from under your feet. You see this story is nowhere near as straight forward as my little synopsis made it out to be. This manga has a lot of depth when it comes to it's story and the themes that it tackles. To it's core the manga is a coming of age story about a young boy who is lost in the world that he lives in and we follow him from his teenage years into his young adult years. The story does a great job at showing a youth who is pretty much not motivated by much and when he is it really isn't because it's a life choice he has decided to follow. It's because he has no one else to go to so he just follows what seems convenient at the time. The story also dells deep within the psyche of our characters so we get a little too familiar with them. The story is strong and dives deep into the mind of madness and these are what makes the manga so damn good.

The art here is handles extremely well by Mr. Shuzo Oshimi. He does really damn good job here, at points. The artwork for environments, backgrounds, and some of the more trippy scenes look amazing. Oshimi has such a great style with how heavy shading needs to be and this heaviness in shading actually help put a lot more tension and even some impact in the most mundane actions in the manga. His character designs though are a bit rough. Now granted this manga was first published in 2009. The fist couple of chapters has some pretty funny looking expressions and character designs looked really goofy and a little unsettling. I will say though that the art did get better over time and everything looked much better at the end of the first major story arc. I'll also say that when art got better I was really able to appreciate the look at all of his major characters. None of them have any really big stand out looks to them, they all just look normal. But that's the thing, they all look normal. None of them looked like the stranded anime main character, they all had very average looks, builds, and features that you would see on an average individual you'd see walking down the street. I really liked this because this story is so grounded to reality that the art and characters actually helped my immersion and had even more into the story then I was originally. So even though I had a bit of a rough patch to get pass through, the art here is top notch and drives home the narrative even more.

Now with every great story you need great characters right? Well it's a good thing that this story had some pretty damn good characters. First off we have the main character himself, Kasuga. What I really liked about him was that he actually wasn't very like able in the beginning. As I said earlier he's shy, cowardly, and has a bit of a stick up his ass. But this is what's so good about him on a character standpoint. We get to grow along with him. Yes he starts off as a whining little shit bit that's understandable because he's an 8th grader. He a kid. Most kids his age are whiny and annoying. But as the story progresses we get to see him mature little-by-little and eventually we see him become a much better person then who he was at the start of the manga. We also get a good look inside his head and we really get to see what he's thinking and how he's handling all of the crazy and fucked up situations that he finds himself in. We get a great idea of what it's like to be him and we can at points completely see things from his side of spectrum. He is a very well developed main character who felt like he had a complete characters arc once the story is all said and done. Now how do the side characters hold up, the same as our main character but without much focus. Sawa's character is indeed a very strange and even psychotic person at points. She is rude, nasty, and doesn't take shit from anyone. This is what makes her character so interesting, why would she take such an interest in someone like Kasuga? Well we do get to look inside her head as well and see just how much of a mess she really is. We see some dark stuff from her and even though she's painted as a horrible person in the early stages of the manga you can't help but to find interest in her and once her character is revealed a bit of sympathy as well. She's a really good character because the manga had you guessing just what the hell her deal was and even made some feel bad for her. Now we move on to Saeki, was she a good character? Well the manga just kind of shows her off as the class idol who just so happens to have a thing for Kasuga. Nothing really special. That is until we get to the later half of the second story arc. Saeki has some of the most disturbing and darker moments in the entire manga. I won't spoil exactly what happens to her or what she does but I will say this. What the fuck!? She was a very well written character and was the most shocking out of the whole cast and I was just dumbfounded by her character development. Overall, she was a good character.

The Ending( Warning I Will Spoil The Ending Of The Manga! If You Wish To Not Have the Ending Ruined For You Then Skip To The Overall Category!)
Now this ending has a lot of fans split. I'll talk about it for a bit and explain my own opinion on the ending itself. So at this point in the story Kasuga has moved out of he old home town and lives in the city. He was able to overcome his weaker self of needing to follow someone because he was aimless and has actually taken charge of his own life now. Hell he even fell in love with another character, Aya Tokiwa. He was able to love her for her and even convinced her to show her true self and not be afraid of who she is and what she loves to do. This in turn made her fall in love with him and the two became a couple. But everything isn't all sunshine now because Kasuga wants to finally put an old ghost to rest. He wants to see Sawa one last time to bury the hatchet once and for all. This was a very big moment in the manga because to this point both Kasuga and Sawa hadn't seen each other within 3 years. So a lot of suspense of building up to this moment. Now the problem that a lot of people have with this ending was that it didn't go out with a bang. Because when Kasuga meets Sawa again after all these years she is nowhere near as crazy. Sure she's still a bit of an oddball but she isn't psycho anymore. Plus the whole confrontation ends on a light note. After some arguing and even Aya admitting that even if she loses Kasuga here she'll be happy that he was finally able to end things. The whole thing end with them actually getting along and playing on the beach. Okay the scene makes sense if you read it, just take my word for it. Sawa tells Kasuga that he's normal now and he should never come back to see her again and we end with a flash forward in time to see Kasuga in college. Him and Aya are still a couple and are still very much in love. This ending had people a bit let down because they thought that they were going to get a huge melt down of shit going wrong and Sawa acting crazy and shit. But in all honesty, I really liked they way it ended. Because as I said before this is a coming of age story. Kasuga isn't the same little kid that was too afraid to stand up for himself anymore, he's a changed person. Same goes for Sawa, she's not the same anymore. She's grown up. We clearly see that she has matured a lot during the 3 year skip which makes a lot of sense. If Kasuga was able to mellow out surly Sawa could too. The story at it's heart is about growing up and we clearly see the characters have indeed grown up. Which is why I personally loved the ending.

So to wrap this up I"ll just say that this was one of the best manga that I've read in a long time. The art was dark and atmospheric, the characters where detailed and dripping with depth, and the ending was very satisfying and left me with a big ol' smile on my face. So yeah if you haven't been able to guess I quite liked this manga a lot and it felt like the perfect piece of entertainment to get me back into the reviewing mood. So if you haven't been able to guess I highly recommend this manga to anyone who's looking for a dark story with a cast of disturbed but brilliant characters.

Arcane Reviews gives: Aku No Hana: The Flowers of Evil a 9.5 out of 10.

Thank you all for reading I"m glad to be back......Oh.
You're probably wondering my opinion on the anime adaption right?
Well I only have three words for that show.


Now I wonder. What should I review next?
I know!.....My treat to all of you......

               Next Time: Kara No Kyoukai: Overlooking View                

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Update!: I Am So Sorry bad.....

Hello ladies, peoples, and animals it is I, the Arcane Reviewer! Here to say I am so sorry. I have been M.I.A. for about a damn month. I have been a bit busy since I have been finishing up school. But what about the couple of weeks after I finished school? Well I've just been lazy to do any reviews. Forgive me!

So I'm here to say that I will still do reviews. I am not quitting. But I probably won't be posting any reviews for the month of July, don't worry it's not because I'm being lazy here I swear. The reason being is that I will on a trip that will leave me away from my computer. I have a desktop which makes it a little hard to write any reviews or even watch any anime.

Now if I can get my hands on a laptop or a desktop then I can put up reviews but as of now I don't think I can. But to make it up to you guys I do have two reviews that I'll be working on to release when ever I come back. So I hope you guys enjoy your summer and I am once again sorry for being gone for so long.

Upcoming reviews

Nanana's Buried Treasure

The Garden of Words

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Arcane Reviews: Casshern Sins

Hello ladies, peoples, and animals it is I, the Arcane Reviewer! Here to bring you a new review. You wanna know what I love? Well too bad because I'm gonna tell you anyway! I love post-apocalyptic settings. You can get really creative with just exactly how a world fell into dismay and then see the aftermath of it. Now while this anime I'll be reviewing doesn't do a lot new with the setting it does how ever do a bit different with the story of this destroyed world we see. So I bring to you my review for, Casshern Sins. How does it stand out from other dystopian futures in other anime? Well let's find out shall we?

The story for Casshern Sins is a bit of a mess but for good reason. When we first meet our main character he has no idea who he is or where he is. All he knows is that he is a robot of some sort and he is crazy strong. Along with his strength is a kind of berserker mode he has. Simply put; when Casshern is put under a lot of stress due to battle or hell even his memory coming back to him from time to time he well completely lose it and kill just about anything that's in his way. This actually comes in handy as he is constantly being hunted by other robots who all want to eat him. Yeah these robots believe that if they eat Casshern then they'll be saved by the Ruin. Oh yeah, you also have the Ruin too. The Ruin is a type of disease that only effects robots. Seeing as how this world is only inhabitant by robots that's actually quite scary. The disease causes the victim to rust away slowly and even fall apart, considering what part of the body is heavily infected. Casshern though is one of the very few who isn't effected by the disease. It's also hinted at that he may have caused this world to fall into ruin. So you have  all of these half-crazed machines all gunning for Casshern in a last ditch effort to try and save themselves. This paints the world of Casshern Sins as a very dark and really depressing setting which it handles really well. As I said before the story is a bit of a mess but it's done so purposelessly because you're not exactly sure what's going on and what exactly happened to everyone. You're lost, just like Casshern. You are put into his shoes and you feel just as confused as he is until someone explains it to him which is not only a reveal to him but to the audience as well. The story also takes a some que from Cowboy Bebop. Now what I mean by that is that the show will break away from the main story of Casshern trying to figure out who he is and instead focus on another character who is only in the one episode that they're introduced in. These episodes will focus largely on this one character while Casshern takes a bit of a step back mostly just observes the character's actions. This helps in world building as you great a better scope of just what exactly this world is like and the people that inhabit it. These episodes are in my opinion some the best episodes in the whole series and they lend a of growth to this world and what the history is behind it. So I feel that the story here is very strong. Well, sort of. There is one big problem to the story but I'll touch apon that a little later.

The production side of things here is very good. The animation is very slick and fast paced. But when the time calls for it the animation will be slow and patience as well. Action scene look good and in times when things need to get heavy on the drama the animation well go along with whether it's a crazy dramatic moment or a melodramatic moment quite well. The animation will also get a bit fancy with trying to pull off very artsy shots and slo-mo segments. This does give the anime it's own identity and I feel as though it was a very welcomed change of things. One small problem I had was that the scenes were sometimes a little too claustrophobic for my taste. What I mean by that is that sometimes the camera was pulled in really close to the action and it would be a little hard to make out just what the hell was going on in a given scene. This doesn't hurt the anime too much as it didn't happen often but when it did it was a bit annoying. But aside from the close ups the animation here is very nice ans stylish too.

Music in the anime was pretty good. Though nothing except for the opening theme really sticks to my head. The music is used not too often and when it is it's mostly for the fight scenes or the more calmer but heavy scenes. Like a couple sitting together taking in the possible end coming for them, things like that. Music was also used in times a very dramatic moments in the story but these moments didn't really happen a lot until the later half of the series. But in the beginning and middle the times when this did happen the music did stick out and helped the scene have an even more emotional weight to it. So even though the music for me is a bit forgetful it's still pretty good at points.

Characters are okay to tell you the truth. Yes this is where the anime kind of drops the ball but not too badly. Like I said earlier the episodes that featured a one-time only character where great. They added to the atmosphere and overall harshness of the show. But the main cast is hit or miss at points. We has have Casshern who is a good character, but really only towards the middle of the show. In the beginning he really has no emotion at times and just kind of makes the same depressed face all the time. He's kind of boring for a while but he does however get more interesting as the show progresses. I won't spoil the villains as they are fun to watch but only two of them really. The main two you meet have some fun personalities and even have a small sympathetic side to them as well. While I feel that they were still pretty selfish villains I could a t least understand where they were coming from. The third villain was just a cookie-cutter villain. Also small spoiler, they build the asshole up to be a big threat but Casshern just kills him in a second. Pretty fucking anti-climactic for a guy you spend the whole series building up. The supporting cast fall under the same class as Casshern, nothing really interesting about them until the later half of the show. Which is pretty shoty writing to be honest. But I still feel that the characters from the one-shot episodes were still very good and the m,ain cast did get better over time. They're just okay but still enjoyable.

Nitpicks: (Warning!!!! Small Spoilers!!!!)
Now remember when I said that the story was kind of strong? Well allow me to elaborate. The anime had a strong story all the way through until you get to the end, or lack there of. Yeah the show doesn't really have an ending. The anime shows us Casshern getting back all of his memories and pretty much telling us flat out that crappy world that he's in right now is actually his fault. Then it shows that he's trying to live a life of peace with the main cast. Everything seems fine until we get another villain out and Casshern goes to stop her because of a sad moment which I won't spoil. Casshern goes, stops the villain, and then the show ends. Just like that. We get a monologue telling us that life returned to the world, I think because it was kind of vague. Then they tell us that Casshern became a legend. That's it. Nothing really happened in this ending and is was really unsatisfying after following all these characters and not even getting a conclusive ending to tie up the show. That's kind of bullshit.

Would I recommend this show? Yeah I would. The show is pretty different and has an interesting story of a hopeless world with dying robots. That was enough for me to check it out and I left really liking it. But the ending does kill it a little bit so I have to deduct points because I don't like the ending too much. Still a good show but a disappointing ending.

Arcane Reviews give Casshern Sins a 7 out of 10.

You can watch "Casshern Sins" on:
Funimation (Dub and Sub)
Hulu (Dub and Sub)                        

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Arcane Specials: Top 10 Ladies In Anime

Hello ladies, peoples, and animals it is I, the Arcane Reviewer! Here to bring a little something special this time around. You know what I've noticed, I have a lot more favorite female anime characters then I do male characters. It's kind of funny how a lot of people think anime isn't to flattering. But there are some cases in which an anime has a much more interesting and much more likable female character then the actual main lead, who most of the time is a male character. So today I've decided to give the ladies their time in the spotlight. So here's my Top 10 Ladies In Anime! Now this list is based on my own personal opinion. If you feel like you have a better list them by all means make your own and share it with me, I would love to see some different list. Also I DID NOT list these characters on hotness. I ranked these characters on just how interesting, memorable, well developed, and overall enjoyable they are as characters. If you where expecting a hottest anime character list then I apologize but that's not this type of list. But without further or due, let us begin shall we?

Number 10: Ami Kawashima from Toradora

Though she my not look it, Ami Kawashima actually has a lot of emotional baggage she's hauling around. But I wouldn't blame you if you didn't think that, her introduction into the show was not the best in any way shape or form. She was two-faced, rude, and just nasty to anyone she didn't like. Now you're probably wonder just why the hell I put her the list then, well remember what I said earlier? Ami is the way she is because she is a person who isn't exactly comfortable to really show her true self. So she covers up her real self by putting on a fake teenybopper persona as a way to cope with society, meanly because society pretty much painted her as a teenybopper. But she really starts to change her ways when she befriends the rest of the cast. This is when we start to see the real Ami. She's just like any other person and she even tries really hard to break out of her shell as the show progresses. She starts to actually speak like a real person and lends some much needed advice to the main character. Ami is a great example of a character who is not at all the same person that she was in the beginning of the show. She shows the most growth out of the entire cast and even helps them to grow up as well. There's a reason people were pissed that she wasn't the main love interest. Ami Kawashima, a perfect example of never judging a book by it's cover.

Number 9: Haruhi Suzumiya from The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya

If you though you ever had a crazy female friend, consider yourself lucky. Haruhi Suizumiya is a basket case of pure unadulterated lunacy. Now Haruhi is not a very hard person to understand. She simply wants to be kept constantly entertained so she gets an esper, a time traveler, an alien, and poor random fuck to keep her entertained at all times or else she might just destroy the world because she just so happens to be God. Okay so maybe she isn't that simple as I thought. But that's what make Haruhi such an enjoyable character to watch, you have no damn clue what she'll do next. She could want to play a simple game of baseball with her whole makeshift brigade one day. then the next she'll want to hole of rock concert. Them maybe she'll make everything into a galactic battle between star-ships high up into the cosmos of space. Why? Because she thinks it'll be fun. She is completely unpredictable and she just seems to have fun with just about everything she does it almost become contagious. When you see her do a stupid thing that she's having fun with you can't help but also have fun at the same time. She is just so much damn fun to watch that she leave a very lasting impression on your mind. Haruhi Suzumiya, yes my friends God does exists and she's bat-shit insane.

Number 8: Faye Valentine from Cowboy Bebop

Arguably the best anime has to produces a badass anime lady right? Well my friends you guessed right as we have none other the Faye Valentine from Cowboy Bebop. Faye is one of the most popular anime characters out there due to just how much of an impact she left on viewers of the anime classic. She's a femme fatale who can hold her own in a gun fight as well as a fist fight. She has proven to be a vital member to the Bebop crew and she has a snappy personality to boot. She'll talk trash to just about anyone and isn't afraid to whip out her gun and blow a hole in the sorry sap who tired to cross her. Needless to say, Faye is a deadly beauty that you don't want to mess with. Faye Valentine, if looks could kill, we'd all be deep sixth by now.

Number 7: Major Mokoto Kusanagi from Ghost in the Shell 

A badass cyborg who takes shit from no one. The Major is a super popular character in the world of anime for a reason. She has a very cold and collective composer about her that makes her even more of an enigma. Not only that but she is one woman you do not want to piss off. Hell hath no fury like a woman's scorn? Well try having that said woman blowing away your chest piece with a mother fucking anti-material rifle at point blank rang with only one arm! Yeah that doesn't sound like the type of scorn you want reign down upon you huh? Not only do you have the Major being a complete badass on the field but you also have a very human side to her as well. In both the movie and the show she asks a lot of tough questions that no one really has an answer to. Question like what exactly does it mean to be human, how can some determine what is and what isn't human. As well as the question of can there be a soul living in a machine. These questions as well as her very serious and somber way of asking and detailing the questions makes the Major a much more interesting and psychologically deeper character then she my seem to be at first glance. Mokoto Kusanagi, a badass cyborg cup who my be more human then machine.

Number 6: Touko Aozaki  from Kara no Kyokai

Not gonna lie. I couldn't in good heart leave out anyone of the great Type-Moon ladies from this list. So decided to include a few in this list, the first of which is the puppet master herself, Touko Aozaki. A leaving the Mage's Association as one of the top Magus, Touko decided to put her skills to work running her own company called Garan no Dou, a contract-based production company that deals in the supernatural or abnormal elements. She shows that she has some pretty efficient detective skills. Being able to pick up on odd supernatural elements and surroundings just by being around the area long enough. She is also very diverse in the world of magic and is a master at puppet based magic. But aside from her skills and a detective and a magus she's also a very fun character to watch. Her interactions with the other supporting cast is very good as she is able to bounce back and from with them. As well as coming p with some witty comebacks to mess with them. Touko shows that she's a very reliable and fun character to watch and though she may not look it, she is a very powerful magus who can wreck your shit. Touko Aozaki, call her "Dirty Red" and you'll soon be seeing red.

Number 5: Lain from Serial Experiments Lain

If you want an example of someone completely losing themselves the world of the internet then look no further. Lain is an example of some losing their grip on reality and questioning what is real and if everything she has been lead to believe is even true anymore. What makes Lain such a great character is that originally she wasn't like this at all. She was basically a nobody in the beginning of the show, she was the quite type that you paid no mind to and let them do their business. That's something that most of us can relate to on a personal level and that makes us more interested in her. Then when she starts to slowly lose her self into the internet we can also relate to that because we honestly can be slaves to the internet, which is what Lain just about becomes! We follow her from such a human beginning that when we start dwell deeper and deeper down the rabbit hole we can't help but put ourselves in that situation because this is something that could or hell has happened to us. We can see ourselves in Lain which is why I feel that she's such a good character. Lain, a perfect example of a slave to the web. Well aside from WOW players anyway.

Number 4: Kurisu Makise from Steins;Gate

All the way from Steins;Gate is the redheaded genius herself, Kurisu Makise. Kurisu stands out among some of the best female characters in anime largely due to her level of growth through out the series as well as the great interactions with the whole cast, most notably with Okabe. Whenever Kurisu and Okabe share the screen together you have either a funny as hell scene or a very heart warming and pretty touching scene. Not only that but she actually stands on her own as a leading character in the Steins;Gate film in which she's the main focus with very little interaction with other characters. It's mainly just her alone with her thoughts and you really get to see what type of person Kurisu is. We see what goes through her head as well as the struggles she faces in the events of the film and how desperate she is in the current situation that she's in. She comes off as a very real person that you would meet and even more so you see that she really cares about the people that's close to her. She's even willing to flat out embarrass herself just to try and motivate her friend to snap out of their depressive state. She is a really well done character and she's most defiantly earned her spot on the list. Kurisu Makise, a super genius and a closet anime nerd. Why is she so perfect?

Number 3: Saber from Fate/Stay Night

Now if you're a personal friend of mine you might be a bit shocked to see Saber at number three. And to that I say fuck you I'm not that predictable, give me some credit guys. But anyway, Saber from Fat/Stay Night gets a spot on this list for a couple of reasons. None having to do with her being my personal favorite character of all time but I digress. Saber is a kickass character for her impressive strength and fighting capabilities. She's one of the best swordsmen around welding Excalibur as well as very strong wind magic that can leave a devastating blow on her opponent. She's not only a powerful fighter but she also has a strong sense loyalty and a serious code that she holds very dearly, due to her being a knight. But she also has a lot of emotional baggage as well as she feels as though she was the cause of her kingdom being lead to ruin so she also wants to try to ease her personal demons. She starts off as a no nonsense type of character but she is eventually show more of a human side as she comes in contact with the people around her. Iri shows that even if you have a short life with very little happy memories to hold you should still hold on dearly to those memories as they can make a world of difference as well as how to enjoy such simple things in life like going to the beach. You also have all of character interaction she has with Shirou. He bring out the more human aspect in her and really shows her that there's more to life then wanting to fix your mistakes and he even tries to convince her to move on from her mistakes. This all eventually leads to them falling in love which brings out more of the human elements that Saber originally didn't show when she first appeared in the show. We get to see her change into a different person but she never loses that knight spirit that made her such an awesome character to begin with. Saber, she's my waifu. I have nothing clever to say I just thought I stated that. None of you can have her.

Number 2: Asuka Langley Soryu from Neon Genesis Evangelion

Okay I have a lot of redheads on this list, shut up! But seriously Asuka from Eva is a pretty messed up character and at first you really don't like her because she does act like a bitch. However it isn't until you figure out her past that you start to see why she acts that way she does. Asuka did not have a very good childhood at all. Her father was barely for her and her mother ended up having a horrific psychological that she started calling a doll she had her daughter and completely ignored Asuka. But when it seems like she has a small sliver of hope she ends up walking in on you mother right after she had hung herself. Asuka has not had the best experiences in life as well as a proper childhood so to cope with this she plays it as if she's much more mature than other teens her age. She tries to act like an adult while also blocking off anyone who wants to try and get close to her with either a sever ego or just blatantly insulting them so that they don't get to close to her and she won't be hurt in the process. She does however want to be understood and she doesn't want to be alone but at the same time she can't quite get over her fear of people so that why she still keeps this persona of a bitchy little teen when in reality she's a poor soul crying out for help. This becomes even more apparent when her mind get violated and all of her repressed memories come flooding back in. We see her completely striped down as see the real her and it's a hard thing to watch. You feel bad for her because now she is forced to face the truth of her existence and it's even more heartbreaking when before you just thought she was a generic tsundere character be really she's a broken person. Asuka is a character who is dissected so well that you start to see just why she is the way she is and you do feel a little bad for passing on earlier judgment. Asuka Langley Soryu, a bitch on the outside but a scared and lonely person on the inside.

Number 1: Shiki Ryougi from Kara no Kyokai

Am I cheating by putting a second character from Kara no Kyokai on this list. Well it's my list so yeah. I don't give a damn. But the reason why Shiki's on this list is because she's such a damn good character. Similar to how Asuka is afraid of people, Shiki also shares a little bit of that trait as well. But in her case it's because she is such an odd individual that she feels as though human interaction and human contact is something that she almost doesn't have the right to feel or be apart of. From the get go she's a bit odd because has a split personality and that right there puts her in a mindset that she's a abnormal so a normal life is already out of the question for her. She also has a self destructive life style, she fights supernatural beings but she'll flat out attack head on against something that's clearly much more powerful then her with zero disregard for her own body. But underneath all of that is a small desire to live a normal life and feel some sense of peace. This comes in the form of Mikiya, a boy from high school who gets close to Shiki and tries to let her feel some sort of normality and partnership in her life. Now while at first she doesn't seem interested in him at all we do get little hints that she does actually like having him around. He sees her as a person, as a human being and this slowly show off little bits and pieces of the human part of her. There's a part in the 7th film that happens, I won't spoil it but it within this scene that we truly get to see Shiki. We see her her true self and we understand the reasons why she caged herself from the world but we also see what made her reveal her human side that she denied for so long. Shiki Ryougi, the number one lady in anime.

I hope you guys enjoyed my list and I hope you might just share some of your personal favorite ladies in anime. Thank you very much and stay tuned for next week's anime review.