Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Arcane Reviews: Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works

Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works

Hello ladies, peoples, and animals it is I, the Arcane Reviewer! Happy holidays to all of you and I hope you guys enjoy today's early and special review. I know it's season of giving so why not give you peoples a little something extra! So let us see what I'm going to review tonight......mother fucker. So now I give you ladies, peoples, and animals. My review for Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works. Someone kill me.

So if you read my Fate/Stay Night review then it's basically the same set up here. But instead this story focuses on the Unlimited Blade Works route from the original visual novel. So in the movie we see more attention on Rin and Archer. Also we see a huge part of the movie given to both Shirou and Archer as a lot of the movie is given to the two to develop there relationship to each other. Same thing goes for Shirou and Rin as the route was about the two of them as well. Now while Unlimited Blade Works is my second favorite route in the visual novel you also have a lot of crap to do in that said route, something that the movie couldn't do well. At all. The movies tries to tell the whole story of Unlimited Blade Works while at the same time cutting out a lot from the story and also trying to recap what's going on so far so no ones lost and try to close the story as a whole. So the movie is a complete mess and everything is so rushed it's not even funny. This movie is just to cluttered together and is't just painful to sit through.

Well here's something good I can say about the film. The film has very good animation and it looks very nice. While I wasn't too crazy about the shows animation I can say that the movie is a big upgrade. All the fight scenes gorgeous to watch and the film has one of the best fight scenes I've seen in anime. On a side note movement in the movie seems very fluent and seemed to move naturally. Even scenes where characters are doing a whole lot of nothing look pretty damn good. So animation here gets a pass in my book.

Music here is just alright. While some tracks were really cool and added to the weight of the scene some tracks where pretty forgetful at best. Not bad though because the film could have done worse when it comes to music so I'll give them some credit here. Music just barely passes in this category.

This is where the movie fails. Hard. Shirou and Rin are not very interesting characters and can get very annoying at points in the movie. They go around the film and just have almost nothing to do and just stick their thumbs up their ass. We also have characters that I would love to see more of get next to no screen time at all. Poor Saber is almost not even a character through out the whole film. The only saving grace is three characters. Shinji, Archer, and Gilgamesh. These characters just steal the whole film that it made me sad that they didn't have more screen time. So only three characters are good in a movie that has a huge cast of characters. Yeah that's good writing right?

Well what can I say? I know what I can say here that really bothered me, the complete lack a shits given during the whole movie. I feel like there wasn't any effort put into the film aside from the animation. The characters aren't given any real time to develop and the story rushes it's self so badly that you feel that there is a lot missing. We also have an ungodly amount of pointless deaths all through out the film. Characters die in this film just because they can die and it's freaking ridiculous.

In conclusion I say don't watch this film. It offers nothing at all. If you've seen the anime and you liked it I guess you might enjoy this to some extent. But if you already read the visual novel then you should just ignore this like the plague. But if you haven't seen the anime or played the visual novel you should just play the visual novel. Because this films gives you nothing compared to what the visual novel can give you.

Arcane Reviews gives Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works a 2 out of 10

Hope you guys enjoyed this little extra review and I hope you guys have a wonder holiday and a great New Years. See you guys next time. 

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