Thursday, December 26, 2013

Arcane Specials: Top 20 Anime Openings Of All Time

Top 20 Anime Openings Of All Time

Happy Holidays ladies, peoples, and animals! It is I, the Arcane Reviewer, here to bring you another extra treat this week. Earlier this week I gave you guys a little extra review from me to you but I still had to do something to make up for no Wednesday review right?  Well I've decided that I will give you lovely people my favorite anime openings of all time. Now before I begin I will say that this is my list so If you dislike it well I'm sorry but this is my own personal taste. But if you feel like you have a better list then please make your own and share it with me, that could be very fun to see. So now lets get this show on the road with number 20!

Number 20: "Rock The Dragon" from Dragonball Z

Ahh, nostalgia. Yes I can remember this song being played all through out my house and this song being stuck in my head for weeks. Despite that fact that DBZ has had some pretty damn good Japaneses songs none of them really hit the level of awesome and excitement that Rock The Dragon seemed to inspire. The song is just full of like 7 lyrics, people screaming, and fighting. Which fits oh so perfectly with what DBZ is all about. Plus you can't deny that guitar is just badass. Rock The Dragon, it sure as hell rocked all of us as kids.

Number 19: "Never Say Never" from Danganronpa

This opening. What can I say about this opening? Oh I know, it's so bad that it's good! Like this opening has some pretty cheesy white boy rapping then some Engrish lyrics going on. But this song just seems so beautiful in it's cheesiness that I love it so much. While the anime itself looks pretty fun and interesting to watch I can that if it's a disappointment then at least I still have this cheesy ass song to listen to. Never Say Never, it's so awful it some how becomes awesome.

Number 18: "I Wanna Be The Very Best" from Pokemon

You know damn well that you where singing this song back when you where a kid. This song single-handedly cursed all middle schools across the land back in the early 2000's and I wouldn't have it any other way. Yes this intro is so damn famous that people actually forget that Pokemon even had a Japanese intro. Don't worry folks I didn't know either. This song is not only catchy but it's genuinely really well written. The song just inspires you to do something great and soon you start wanting to be the very best at whatever the hell it is that you're doing at the time. It's that damn good. The Pokemon intro, my God are you catchy.

Number 17: "Sakura Kiss" from Ouran High School Host Club

Yes I admit it! I love Ouran and even more so I love this intro to death. Sakura Kiss is a very sweet song and I feel that it was a very cute way to open up Ouran. I would always enjoy sitting through the intro then getting ready to enjoy some Host Club and I never once got tried of listening to it. I love this song and you should too, on a side note go watch Ouran it's amazing! Sakura Kiss, I am in fact this songs love.

Number 16: "Smile Bomb" from Yu Yu Hakusho

This song is just beautiful but only the English dub. While I have nothing against the original Japanese version I feel as though the song really made it's mark as an amazing intro when the dub was made. The singer is just great at delivering the lyrics and the song sounds so heart touching in English. It also helps that I grew up to this version so I am in fat very bias to it but hey it's my list. Smile Bomb, like it's namesake it always puts a smile on my face.

Number 15: "Freckles" from Rurouni Kenshin

This song is kind of a trick. The song starts off heavy on the guitar and you think that it's gonna be all hardcore and badass but then the lyrics kick in. Once that happens you kinda have to stop and wonder if the song changed or something. That my friends is why Freckles is so awesome. It plays with your expectations and then gives you something that you didn't really ask for but you're glad that you got it anyway. Because despite that fact that the sing is pretty cutesy and silly it's pretty damn catchy and easy to get stuck in your head. But at the same time it matches the character of Kenshin, a man who could take out an entire army of people but at the same time is just a big lovable goof. Freckles, oh how you toy with my mind.

Number 14: "Pure Pare-Do" from Toradora!

My god this song is so full of energy! This is the reason why I feel that's it's so damn good because you feel like a lot is going on in this song and the intro itself. The song is just to faced paced and fun to listen to I feel like it would be a crime for me not to put it on the list! I just have the biggest and the dumbest smile on my face ever I listen to it and I just can't get enough! The anime is pretty good to so you should also check it out. Pure Pare-Do, what the fuck does that even mean?

Number 13: "What's Up, People?!" from Death Note

This song is fucking metal! Now I do like Death Note's first opening I never felt like it ever had the same impact that the anime had. It just didn't seem to fit to me. So imagine how surprised I was when I was laying down about to watch another episode of Death Note on Adult Swim. When suddenly this song comes out of left field and just attacks me with heavy metal and dark Gothic imagery. This opening is what I felt like should have been the opening from the beginning, because not only is it just a kick ass song to play but it really does match with the fucked up imagery and dark nature that Death Note had to offer and that's why it's on the list. What's Up, People, what a pleasant surprise you were.

Number 12: "My Soul, Your Beats!" from Angel Beats!

Say what you want about the anime itself, I know I have. My Soul, Your Beats is by itself a brilliant song. The song just pulls you in thanks to the lovely piano and it just so pleasing to the ears to listen to all the way through. The animation is also a nice addition to the song as it shows off all the characters nicely and has some pretty images to show off. Really you can't go wrong with this opening as it is just pretty as a whole. My Soul, Your Beats, such a lovely song for such a lack luster anime.

Number 11: "Moonlight Densetsu" from Sailor Moon

Another nostalgia bomb heading your way! Yeah I just couldn't resist putting this song on the list because I just adore it. Even though the English dub is very nice I feel like the original Japaneses version wins by land slide here. The song just sounds mystical and almost surreal that it goes very well with the tone and style of Sailor Moon. Plus this song is a classic in the anime world so it has all of my respect. Moonlight Densetsu, charming your ears by moonlight and relaxing your senses by daylight.

Number 10: "Crossing Field" from Sword Art Online

Now while I don't really care for Sword Art Online itself I will not lie about how good it's opening is. This opening is just a joy and gets you in the mood to get into a in Skyrim or something not for real. This song can just pump you up and you're just in for the ride the whole time. Also the drums do a great job in making this song really badass! Crossing Field, if this song played every time I played the game I don't think I'd mind being stuck in it.

Number 9: "Just Communication" from Gundam Wing

When it comes to Gundam openings I feel like this is the best. I love how this song has a bit of that techno sound to it but if also assisted by great vocals and  awesome Gundam fighting in the back. Simply put this song stands out when it comes to Gundam openings and I've yet to hear a opening that can top this one. Just Communication, the definitive Gundam intro, in my opinion.

Number 8: "Disillusion" from Fate/Stay Night

Fate/Stay Night, why can't I escape you? Well at least this time I can say something good about you instead of tearing you to pieces like I normally do. As you can see Fate/Stay Night wasn't a very good anime but I can say that it have a wonderful intro song! Disillusion is the type of song I expect to here in a anime about legendary heroes from across time fighting it out. This song has such a mysterious vibe and a mystical sound that it just makes you almost sleepy but in a good way. Then it builds up to a fast and battle like tune that gets you all excited and pumped for some out of this world versus matches that you could only dream of! This intro is truly one hell of an intro. Disillusion, why couldn't you be Fate/Zero's intro song?

Number 7: "Guren No Yumiya" from Attack On Titan

Look at that! Attack On Titan's opening is on a top openings list! Shock of all shocks I did not see this coming! Yeah I know this is a obvious as hell choice but guess what? Fuck it, this song's awesome. Guren No Yumiya is just a badass song that has pretty much exploded all over the internet as well as the anime that's it's attached to. It really is just one of those songs that very anime fan can agree on in saying just how good it is. It's also nice to see that the song has a little bit of German in it seeing as how Attack On Titan takes place in Germany. Guren No Yumiya, this song well be playing while humanity wins over the God that sounded nerdy.

Number 6: "Duvet" from Serial Experiments Lain

Duvet is a very unique song indeed. Not only because it's the opening to one of the most interesting and surreal anime that has ever been made but that fact that it's actually in English. Yeah the original to Lain is in English, the song hasn't been translated at all. I feel like this fits right into the almost alien like setting the Lain finds herself in through out the whole anime. The song's lyrics also have some pretty heavy meanings in them and they seem to reflect off of Lain herself so well. You feel just as lost as she is as this song goes along and it's just a beauty to listen to. Duvet, a surreal intro for a surreal anime. Would you have any other way?

Number 5: "Lilium" from Elfen Lied

If there was any opening that I feel earned it's spot on this list from just one listen alone it's Lilium. With Elfen Lied being as crazy popular as it is and it being my personal favorite anime of all time I feel like it would be criminal not to put this high up on the list. The song is just so beautiful to listen to that it can bring tears to my eyes and the vocals and violins are just to die for. You also have the art in the opening which is modified versions of actual paintings which fits perfectly because this song and opening are just that, art. Lilium, truly a modern among anime openings.

Number 4: "H.T." from Trigun

Oh yeah baby! This is the be all end all of guitar rifts! H.T. is the song that created air guitar and it is still unmatched even to this day when it comes to guitars in anime openings. Simply put it this song is just so sweet you'll find yourself trying to copy the notes, it's that good. It also fit well with the wild and hectic feeling and tone Trigun has and it's just so damn fun to sit through this then watch a damn fine episode afterwards. H.T., excuse me folks I think I have some air guitaring to do.

Number 3: "Tank" from Cowboy Bebop

Okay 3, 2, 1 here's why Tank is awesome. Sorry I tried to sound as cool as that dude in the song but yeah Tank is just plane cool. With a show like Bebop that pays so much tribute western movies and music it only seems right to have an intro that not only pay tribute to jazz music but also to the Bond films. Seriously you can't watch this intro and say it doesn't look like a Bond film intro. To this day I don't think that any intro has hit the same level of cool that Bebop hit but that in of itself a very hard thing to do. That being said there are two entries here that I fell have hit that same level of quality that Bebop has, so how about we move on huh? Tank, see you in space cowboy.

Number 2: "Cruel Angel Thesis" from Neon Genesis Evangelion

This opening right here is not only catchy but it really get's you in the mood to watch Eva! Even the half of the show where everyone has lost their minds........yeah. But in all seriousness this song really is a classic when it comes to intros. The fits really well with what's going on while at the same time being really energetic about watching a bunch of depress people on the verge of killing Eva's fucked up. Cruel Angel Thesis, a catchy song for a depressing as hell anime.......I think I need help.

Number 1: "My Dearest" from Guilty Crown

This ladies, peoples, and animals is the highest point for an anime intro. Now while I did say that Guilty Crown it self was a bit of a crappy anime I have to say that this song is just so beautiful that I couldn't in good conscious put it anywhere else on this list but the number one spot. This song just oozes out all the makings of a great intro. Beautiful animation, amazing music, heart touching lyrics, and oh my God the drums. The drums are just so outstanding that it almost makes the whole song. But you also have the violins, guitar, and piano that just pushes this song's quality even higher that is breaks through the damn atmosphere and sitting on a thrown on the moon, waiting for another anime opening to even try to reach it's level of awesome! Yes folks I believe that this song is that damn good. I've yet to see any other anime opening that can match this one and trust me, I've seen a lot of anime. My Dearest, my number one favorite anime opening of all time.

I hope all of you guys enjoyed this list and it was a blast making it for you. Happy Holidays and have a great New Years. Now if you don't mind I have some wonderful songs to listen too.

Side Note: Just in case you're wondering. I will be reviewing Fate/Zero next week, I promise.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Arcane Reviews: Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works

Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works

Hello ladies, peoples, and animals it is I, the Arcane Reviewer! Happy holidays to all of you and I hope you guys enjoy today's early and special review. I know it's season of giving so why not give you peoples a little something extra! So let us see what I'm going to review tonight......mother fucker. So now I give you ladies, peoples, and animals. My review for Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works. Someone kill me.

So if you read my Fate/Stay Night review then it's basically the same set up here. But instead this story focuses on the Unlimited Blade Works route from the original visual novel. So in the movie we see more attention on Rin and Archer. Also we see a huge part of the movie given to both Shirou and Archer as a lot of the movie is given to the two to develop there relationship to each other. Same thing goes for Shirou and Rin as the route was about the two of them as well. Now while Unlimited Blade Works is my second favorite route in the visual novel you also have a lot of crap to do in that said route, something that the movie couldn't do well. At all. The movies tries to tell the whole story of Unlimited Blade Works while at the same time cutting out a lot from the story and also trying to recap what's going on so far so no ones lost and try to close the story as a whole. So the movie is a complete mess and everything is so rushed it's not even funny. This movie is just to cluttered together and is't just painful to sit through.

Well here's something good I can say about the film. The film has very good animation and it looks very nice. While I wasn't too crazy about the shows animation I can say that the movie is a big upgrade. All the fight scenes gorgeous to watch and the film has one of the best fight scenes I've seen in anime. On a side note movement in the movie seems very fluent and seemed to move naturally. Even scenes where characters are doing a whole lot of nothing look pretty damn good. So animation here gets a pass in my book.

Music here is just alright. While some tracks were really cool and added to the weight of the scene some tracks where pretty forgetful at best. Not bad though because the film could have done worse when it comes to music so I'll give them some credit here. Music just barely passes in this category.

This is where the movie fails. Hard. Shirou and Rin are not very interesting characters and can get very annoying at points in the movie. They go around the film and just have almost nothing to do and just stick their thumbs up their ass. We also have characters that I would love to see more of get next to no screen time at all. Poor Saber is almost not even a character through out the whole film. The only saving grace is three characters. Shinji, Archer, and Gilgamesh. These characters just steal the whole film that it made me sad that they didn't have more screen time. So only three characters are good in a movie that has a huge cast of characters. Yeah that's good writing right?

Well what can I say? I know what I can say here that really bothered me, the complete lack a shits given during the whole movie. I feel like there wasn't any effort put into the film aside from the animation. The characters aren't given any real time to develop and the story rushes it's self so badly that you feel that there is a lot missing. We also have an ungodly amount of pointless deaths all through out the film. Characters die in this film just because they can die and it's freaking ridiculous.

In conclusion I say don't watch this film. It offers nothing at all. If you've seen the anime and you liked it I guess you might enjoy this to some extent. But if you already read the visual novel then you should just ignore this like the plague. But if you haven't seen the anime or played the visual novel you should just play the visual novel. Because this films gives you nothing compared to what the visual novel can give you.

Arcane Reviews gives Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works a 2 out of 10

Hope you guys enjoyed this little extra review and I hope you guys have a wonder holiday and a great New Years. See you guys next time. 

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Arcane Reviews: Fate/Stay Night

Fate/Stay Night

Hello ladies, peoples, and animals it is I, the Arcane Reviewer! Here to bring you a new anime review. As you might not know, unless you stalk me and if you do please stop. I am a fan of the Type-Moon universe. Type-Moon is a gaming company that has produced very popular visual novels. Novels such as Kara no Kyoukai, Tsukihime, and Fate/Stay Night. With the major popularity of these titles and well these titles being visual novels to begin with of course they would adapt them into anime. So here today I'll review they're most popular novel Fate/Stay Night. Is it any good? Well let's find out.

The story of Fate/Stay Night is a pretty badass one really. Very few years there is a "war" that is taken place called The Holy Grail War! Int this war 7 mages are chosen to be the master of 7 servants. The servants are epic heroes from all through time and from legend like King Aurther and Hercules. The winners of the Holy Grail War will be granted any wish that they desire. We end up meeting our hero Shirou Emiya. A high school student who really has no talent what's so ever but ends up in the Holy Grail Wars. He becomes the master of Saber, a beautiful and tough as nails warrior who is set on winning the Holy Grail War. Now just from the premises alone I was already won over and to be honest the show does start off pretty good. But unfortunately I can't have nice things so when ever the anime started to get really good it kinda took a noise dive into crap. The anime thinks that the huge battles between heroes from all across time and legend and instead decides to focus in on Shirou and his stupid teacher and boring friend Sakura. The anime has a nasty habit to draw focus away from the fights to instead do some stupid melodrama and it can get really frustrating. However I will say that when ever the anime starts to put attention on the story of the servants and the masters then it starts to get really good. But also the big climax at the end is pretty predictable. Especially if you accidentally watched Fate/Zero before watching Fate/Stay Night. Yeah, my bad.

Animation here is pretty points. Whenever the anime decides to show off their pretty fight senses the animation does look very good. But when it doesn't have any cool fight senses to show off nothing really happens. The animation really does look nice but not a lot a praised can be given due to all the nothing that happens. But I guess it better then having ugly animation so I'll be kind to this show and say that it visually looks very nice.

The soundtrack for this show can be described in one word. Awesome. While I feel that the music isn't super amazing and super legendary but it does get the job done. Fight senses get an extra boost in excitement due to the music that helps makes it more awesome. Also you get tracks that have a very slow and slightly creepy sound to it. These track help put a emphasis on the important moments in the anime. Also the first opening for the anime is freaking great. The opening has such a cold of kinda unfeeling tone to it and it's such an awesome intro.

Oh boy these characters. This is not a very good cast of characters, in fact a lot of the interesting characters don't get a lot of screen time and they give all of it to the characters that aren't very fun to watch. Shirou is a bit of an idiot in the anime and he can get really fucking annoying. You also have Rin Tohsaka who is not as bad as Shirou but is very much just as annoying. She's a typical tsundere and she has a little bit of depth but not much to wipe the slate of stupid she also inputs into the anime. Saber however is a badass and is a godsend to the whole anime. She has an interesting backstory and she has an actual personality to her as well. It's always fun to watch her in the show and she's become one of my favorite characters. The rest are not even worth mentioning because they either don't have a lot of time to shine or they're fucking annoying to watch. Well except Illya, she's fun to watch. Why? Fuck if I know but I loved her.

Goddamn this anime has a lot of things that I really didn't like. Aside from everything that I named up above the main thing that really bothered me about this anime is just how much they got wrong from the original visual novel. They cut so much from the novel and try to cram so much of the Fate route and a little bit of pieces from the Unlimited Blade Works route all at the same damn time! This was really awful to watch and it was obvious that they couldn't fit all of the story in here. Also like I said before the characters made this show hard to watch mainly because a lot of screen time is given to people I don't care about so in return I really didn't care about these sense that seem to take up so much space in the anime.

To some up this review I guess I can say is that Fate/Stay Night was a real let down. It could of done so many things right but instead it was just a crappy show in the end. The on e good thing I can say about it was that the love story that centers around Shirou and Saber was actually done pretty well. Yeah I was actually surprised how natural the relationship between the two actually felt. Sadly though this does not do much to save the show as a whole.

Arcane Reviews gives Fate/Stay Night a 5.5 out of 10.

You know I just really wished that this could have been so much better. Like have it center all around the Holy Grail War and have all the characters have a good amount of screen time. Yeah so that you don't really know which is the main character and it actually feels like a real war where you can't tell what the outcome will be. You know what, I think an anime like that in the Fate universe that does exist. What was it called though? Oh yeah.

Next Review:




Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Arcane Reviews: Angel Beats!

Angel Beats!

Hello ladies, poeples, and animals it is I, the Arcane Reviewer! Now some of you my not know this but I am a huge sucker for a nice romantic anime. Though they are a pain to find sometimes once in a while you'll end up finding an anime with a romantic plot that just melts your heart and makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside! Yeah this weeks anime isn't like that at all. While it tries to be all warm and fuzzy it's a little bit more of lost and unbalanced. So enough beating around the bush it's time for my review of Angel Beats! Let's rock!

The story follows our main character Yuzuru Otonashi, a young man who finds himself in the middle of a high school and he can't remember who he is, what he's doing there, or even how he got there. He soon figures out that he actually dead. Yup he's dead and the whole high school is a purgatory like space. Why a high school? Well because in Japan nothing exists after high school! But anyway it's in this new high school that he ends up meeting a young girl named Yuri Nakamura. A young girl who's in charge of the SSS Battlefront, a group of teens who have not accepted the fact that they're dead so now they stand up to fight God himself. While joining them he also meets another young woman who's SSS Battlefront's biggest enemy. Her name is Kanade Tachibana, she is an angel so in return she's SSS Battlefront's sworn enemy but a part of Otonashi doesn't see her that way and instead want to know her more. So with all of this set up Angel Beats has a lot of stuff going on for it. Not only does it has a fairly original story but it also has a huge cast of characters. So with all this story to cover and all of these characters to balance out the show has a lot to juggle, unfortunately the anime can't juggle all of this stuff due to a very shot time span. The show's only 13 episodes long and you can just feel how rushed it can be at points, the show will start an episode at an average pace but then it'll rush along and then it has to handle the drama aspect. The episodes that aren't completely drama focused will try to shoehorn the drama and it feels completely out of place. You can't just show me a guy being crushed in a funny fashion then have the main character talk about how her siblings murdered just 7 minutes afterwards. While some episodes did stand out for being either completely funny all the way through or being completely dramatic all the way through there wasn't enough of them which made the anime come off as bipolar and inconsistent.

On the technical side of things this show looks good and nothing else really. The animation didn't really do a lot for me but that doesn't mean it was bad it was just really bland. Characters don't really have anything that stands out besides the 4 main characters odd hair colors. While I'll say that the animation in the fight scenes looked pretty damn good nothing else grabbed my attention. So animation is pretty if uninspired.

Music here is kind of a mixed bag. You have tracks in the song that do stand out as well as the opening to the anime. But aside from those few tracks nothing really was memorable like at all. I am not even kidding when I tell you that I can't remember any of the songs from Angel Beats, it was that bland. So music just okay here but once again uninspired.

Now on the the main characters of this shin dig......there also pretty bland as well. Otonashi is pretty much the typical straight man to all of the crazy shit that the rest of the cast does in the show. He also has no real personality to speak of he's just the guy that thinks everybody is crazy and that's pretty much it. Both Kanade and Yuri are just clones from much better characters from much better anime. Yuri is a clone of Haruhi Suzumiya and Kanade is a clone of Rei Ayanami. Though I will give Yuri some credit as she does have more of a personality then the other two main characters but she doesn't seem to have a same amount of charm as Haruhi. But where the main characters fail the side characters succeed! Like I said the cast of Angel Beats is pretty damn big so it's nice to see that a lot of them actually get a good amount of screen time. They make the show freaking hilarious at points and are just so much fun to watch. Also when ever the show decides to give them a episode completely focused on the the show gets really good and it's awesome! In fact two side characters get a love story and I found myself more invested with that then the main love story! So yeah main characters are ass while the said characters kick ass.

Well it's pretty clear here that Angel Beats has quite a few things that I didn't like about it. In fact the only saving grace of this show is the side characters and the love story that happens with two of the side characters. This is a good thing and a bad thing because if you make a show with the main characters falling in love with each other a big part of the story and I don't really care about them. That's not very good writing. Also the ending has a huge gaping plot hole that just about breaks the whole story and instead of making me cry like it made everyone else it just made my break down the show for having a stupid ending.

Well I guess I should wrap things up here so here we go. Is Angel Beast bad? Yes and no. Angel Beats has a lot of bad writing and uninteresting main characters to pretty much make the show bad but at the same time the rest of the cast just make everything so damn funny that I enjoyed myself all the way through. So I guess I can say that this anime isn't for everyone but I had some fun watching it so I recommend it.

Arcane Reviews gives Angel Beats a 6.5 out of 10.                        

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Arcane Reviews: Guilty Crown

Guilty Crown

Hello ladies, peoples, and animals it is I, the Arcane Reviewer! Fear not I am here to bring you a new review for all of you. Oh boy this is gonna be fun. To jump from the awesome that was Madoka Magica to the ahh......potential that is this weeks review which the anime that hit 2011 with minimal storm. I bring you the Guilty Crown review, enjoy.

Guilty Crown takes place in a future where Japan needs help from the U.N. due to a event which cut down Japan's population. This even t is called Lost Christmas and the results were a new type of virus called the Apocalypse Virus, a sickness that give the infected crystal like skin which consumes their whole body. It is in this future that we meet our main character Shu Ouma, a 17 year high school student who is just pretty much moving through the motions of life with no real purpose. This all changes when he meets Inori Yuzuriha, a beautiful but mysterious young women who is most known for in this world for making YouTube like music videos. No I'm not kidding. Inori ends up pulling Shu into the world of  Funeral Parlor (Or the Undertakers if you watch the Japanese dub) a rebellion organization that is fighting agents the dictator like government of this new Japan. During this war between the two is where Shu gets a hold of the Guilty Crown, a weapon that allows the user to pull the Void out of a person and use as a weapon. Voids are pretty much the object representation of that person's personality and feelings. So with all the pieces in place and a pretty interesting plot you'd think that Guilty Crown would be a collection of pure badass and enjoyment right? Well no, in fact Guilty Crown is kinda shit in the story apartment. The story in the first 12 episodes were actually really fucking good! I was having so much fun with and I couldn't get enough of it too. But then they decided to drop the ball really, really, really fucking hard for the last 10 episodes. The story itself started to fall apart and the quality of the anime's writing also started to suffer a lot. I really feel like the writers after they wrote first half of this show they just looked at each other and said "Fuuuuuck I'm all out of ideas." You can really see the huge drop later in the show and it kinda broke my heart watching it. This show that I was loving is just turning to crap! So yeah story isn't great here. Starts out strong but then falls flat on it's ass.

Holy shit this show looks gooooooood! Sorry about that but yeah this anime looks really damn good. Production I.G is behind this one and I'll be damned if they didn't give it their all for this one. The animation is top notch here and it never drops at all for all 22 episodes. Simple little things like background and scenery is given full attention to detail and all the fight scenes in here all just awesome to watch! Just about everything in this anime is given a lot of detail and handled with care and I love it all. So even if the story is shit at least the anime looks pretty.

Well what can I say? This soundtrack is amazing! From full orchestral themes to full blown J-pop tracks made for the show and including one of the best intros to an anime that I've seen in a long time. So as you can guess the music here is once again top notch. Tracks were mainly used for the fight scenes and they fit pretty damn well. All orchestral themes are used to emphasize the drama of the moment and I'll be damned if it didn't actually made said moments more important or just more suspenseful. So once again music saves Guilty Crown here.

Now this here is pretty much a mixed bag. While you have some pretty damn good characters that actually get full and complete character arcs like Shu, Inori, Yhiro, Ayase, and Hare. But then you get characters that start off good but then became irrelevant or had their characters completely rewritten for no reason what so ever like Gai, Arisa, Daryl, and Haruka. The anime does build up some good characters but once again after episode 12 a lot of them get completely new personalities or hell just aren't in the show at all afterwards. Then you have characters change all motivation then what was established in the earlier episodes because.....I don't really fucking know except for the fact that the writers had no fucking clue what to do with these people so they just went fuck all lets make them do this now with no explanation what so ever. Which is shitty fucking writing! 

Nitpicks (Warning: Spoilers Ahead!!!):
What didn't I like about this anime? Well aside from the drop in quality in the later half of the show, the complete disregard of making a new climax for the last episode and just literally redoing the climax in episode 12, and the awful rewriting of characters! The thing that I really fucking hated about this show is the ending. The ending was just fucking awful. The shows ends (Mind you after redoing the climax in episode 12) with Shu not only going blind but guess what? Inori dies for some unexplained reason as well! Yup the show has a sad ending just for the sake ofn having a sad ending and it didn't even earn that sad ending at all. Though out the later half of the show, almost every character ends up getting killed. So many characters die that it realloy becomes a normal thing and ends up losing all impact that a death should have. Now this is not to say that Inori's death wasn't sad but I felt like it lacked all the emotional depth that it should have because you've seen so many main characters die you can guess that Inori isn't going to get out lucky by the end of this show. Not only that but me being the romantic that I am I find it very fucked up to not only to kill the secondary main character who was also the main love interest but you make the main character fucking blind and alone only ever able to see the woman he loves in the music she left behind for him. Yeah no show you can go fuck yourself.

To ends this review I guess I can say that Guilty Crown is just a big disappointment. While the animation and music was great and the first half of the show being amazing I can't really say the same for the second half. I do not recommend this anime to anyone but I feel like I have to point out that the first 12 episodes I do recommend just not the last 10. I still get some pleasure out of this show from my own personal stand point but as a critic I have to say this show is bad.

Arcane Reviewer gives Guilty Crown a 5 out of 10.