Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Arcane Reviews: Summer Wars

Summer Wars

Hello ladies, people, and animals it is I the Arcane Reviewer here to bring you an anime movie review. But this is no ordinary anime movie oh no no. This my fellow readers is Summer Wars or as I like to call it, OH MY FREAKING GOD THIS MOVIE IS AMAZING!!!!!.......Sorry I kinda lost myself there. Let us begin shall we?

The story takes place during summer (shocker I know) as we see our main protagonist, Kenji, is sulking over not being able to represent Japan in the math olympics. But just as soon as it would seem that Kenji would end up having a very boring summer one of the most popular girls in school, Natsuki, come to Kenji offering him a job as a fake fiance for her family's big get together for her great grandmother's 90th birthday. So all seems well with Kenji messing around and getting to know Natsuki's whole family. That is until he ends up unleashing a horrible A.I. that plans on hijacking the entire network and using it to possibly send the actual world into chaos. Nice job Kenji.
Summer Wars has a very funny set up to it's story that just ends up going off the rails when the whole evil A.I. is introduced but in a good way. The story also isn't so much focused on the rough A.I. as much as it focuses more on family values all through out. This movies really shows that family really is none of the most important things in life and it comes across as very natural and not forced. The story is a big strength when it comes to this film.

Oh my god what do I say here? Long story short Summer Wars looks amazing. The animation is just jaw droopingly beautiful, it just looks great and it does a good job at separating the real world with the cyber world as the art style changes. It just look amazing and obviously is a point into it's favor.

The music in the movie is also pretty good. The movie knows just what type of music fits the right moment. When the movie has to be up beat and funny it plays music that just makes you smile hearing it but when it comes time to take things slow and really draw the audience with the emotional weight of a moment in the film it really does give you emotionally filled tunes that just pull on your heart strings like a kitten with a ball of yarn. The film knows what it wants to portray when it uses it's music and it does one hell of a job.

Now this really is when the movie is just in the okay factor. There are a lot of characters in this movie and you can't really get a feel on them. Kenji is the only one who does stand out without being an odd character. He pretty much is an everyday man but everyone else is a character archetype. Like you have the annoying kids, the drunk uncle, the over bearing mother, and the over protective cousin. The characters aren't given a lot of time to develop pass the archetype that the movie has set for them. However, with all that being said, none of the characters are unlikeable. They all have at least one or two scenes to shine and are a absolute treat to watch on screen seeing as how they're meant to be funny and absolutely are. So even though the characters are just okay when they come to development they make up for it in charisma. 

This is the part of the review where I layout all of the little thing that I didn't really like about the movie. Well guess what.....I have no nitpicks. Yup, this movie is just so fucking awesome that I regret ever making this part of the review because I have nothing to put down or something I don't fucking know.

Well as all of you can tell I love this movie. This is in fact my second movie of all time! I have nothing bad to say about this movie and it really is a great piece of animation. Anyone who says that they love anime must check this film out and you will not regret I promise you.

Arcane Reviewer gives Summer Wars a perfect 10 out of 10.  

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